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[D&D - FR] Races of Faerun

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 6:25 am
by Jackal
This one is due out in march and is one book I'm actually looking forward to quite a bit. Well, that and Arms and Equipment Guide but I can't find much dirt on that one yet, still working on it though.

So, what is this book about and why do they need a whole book, hardback no less, for players races? Well, here's what I've learned about it so far.
EN World d20 Reviews wrote: WotC's Rich Baker: "Races of Faerun examines the most prevalent races of the Forgotten Realms setting, describing their culture, society, outlook, and providing plenty of new "crunchy bits" by way of race-specific feats, spells, items, and so on. It emphasizes how the races fit into Faerun. Some of the more common "minor monstrous races" that might be played as characters (aarakocras, centaurs, kir-lanans, lycanthropes, and a couple of others) get some attention too, but unlike Savage Species, these guys get ECLs and that's it -- Races of Faerun doesn't tell you how to play a centaur as a 1st-level, 1-HD character. By way of comparison, Races of Faerun has a 30-page chapter on humans that gives about 4-5 pages each on the 7 major human ethnic groups, their history, their culture, their magic and lore, and other such details. Overall, Races of Faerun touches on a couple of related topics as Savage Species, but there's little overlap."

WotC's Matt Smith: "In this hardcover book, you'll find 192 pages of staggering information and detail about all of the major and minor races, subraces, and ethnicities on, above, and below the face of the Forgotten Realms. And I have to say, the whole time I was reading through this book, I was getting ideas about stuff I've love to do in a campaign with each and every one of 'em.

Here's what you'll see on the back cover:

Discover the Diverse Denizens of the Realms

Encounter reclusive avariel, arrogant Calashites, noble centaurs, and bold Rashemi. From the steppes of Thay to the shores of Evermeet, the inhabitants of the Realms are as distinct as the regions from which they hail, whether hero, henchman, villain, or villager. With complete information about the noteworthy races, subraces, and ethnicities scattered throughout Toril, Races of Faerûn offers a detailed look at the many and varied peoples who inhabit the Forgotten Realms game setting.

83 new feats
26 new magic items
New spells and prestige classes

Each of the entries for the eight major races includes a pile of information, starting with racial data such as the region(s) in which a particular subrace or ethnic group is normally found, racial feats, prestige classes, and level adjustments (if any). The history of each subrace is detailed, along with its outlook (how they interact with the world, character classes normally chosen, and favored classes). You'll get an overview of the society of each subrace, details on language and literacy, racial adjustments to ability scores, as well as any special proficiencies, skills, or feats. Magic is covered next, including any new racial spells or feats, along with particularly common magic items, and those magic items that are specifically manufactured by that subrace. Racial deities, relations with other races, and equipment (including weapons, armor, animals, and pets) flesh out the entry.

The entire time I was devouring the text, chapter by chapter, I found it nearly impossible to keep myself from flipping back to the appendices when they were referenced. Not because I was bored with what I was reading, but because of what was to be found back there: new equipment, weapons, armor, adventuring gear, feats, magic items, monsters, prestige classes, and spells.

The only thing I can think of that could possibly make this book any better is the addition of the artwork, which I've been told is phenomenally good. I can't wait to see the color galley of this thing."
Rich Baker wrote: Table of Contents


New Regions
How to Read an Entry
Level Adjustments and ECL

Chapter One: Dwarves

Arctic Dwarf
Gold Dwarf
Gray Dwarf
Shield Dwarf
Wild Dwarf

Chapter Two: Elves

Aquatic Elf
Moon Elf
Sun Elf
Wild Elf
Wood Elf

Chapter Three: Gnomes

Deep Gnome
Forest Gnome
Rock Gnome

Chapter Four: Half-elves

Half-aquatic elf

Chapter Five: Half-orcs and Orcs

Gray Orc
Mountain Orc

Chapter Six: Halflings

Ghostwise Halfling
Lightfoot Halfling
Strongheart Halfling

Chapter Seven: Humans

Cali$H!Te (the forum wouldnt allow me write it properly as its a "bad" word )
Other Human Ethnic Groups

Chapter Eight: Planetouched

Air Genasi
Earth Genasi
Fire Genasi
Water Genasi

Chapter Nine: Minor Races

Dekanter Goblin
Lythari and Werewolf
Tainted One

Appendix 1: Monsters of Faerûn Level Adjustments
Appendix 2: Equipment
Appendix 3: Feats
Appendix 4: Magic Items
Appendix 5: Monsters
Appendix 6: Prestige Classes
Orc Warlord
Skiprock Sniper

Appendix 7: Spells
Figured I'd share for those that are interested.

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 4:34 pm
by Cash
Damn! *adds another book to the list*

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2003 4:39 pm
by R.A.G.
Keen... another FR book to grab. *Adds to his own list... right next to 3e Revised.*

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 7:09 pm
by Reika
Gah, so many cool books, so little money for books and vacation...