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BeCKS v2 Now Available

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2003 10:54 pm
by Adam
The Shadowrun Supplemental is pleased to announce that the stand-alone release of BeCKS - Bethyaga's Complete Karma System Version 2 - is now available at <a href=""></a>

BeCKS v2 allows you to create Shadowrun, Third Edition characters using Karma as opposed to Points or Priorities, allowing for smoother progression between character generation and later advancement. It alsow allows for more variance between starting characters - any amount of Karma can be allocated at generation, so you can easily play street newbies or veteran 'runners.

The major changes from the previous version include:
* New rules for otaku, shapeshifters ghouls, and SURGE.
* Total revision of resources. Resources may now be purchased 1 Karma point at a time with an increasing stepped progression. The top end has been lowered to 120 Karma.
* Reduction of Contact costs.
* Slightly increased costs for Trolls.
* The "extended character creation phase" option has been removed. Instead, the "standard" BeCKS rules are followed by options and guidelines for customizing them for individual campaigns.

BeCKS v2 also includes a Frequently Asked Questions list and four sample characters.

Author Mike Jones is unable to comment, as he is busy being served on hand and foot by his many fans. Says one female fan: "BeCKS? It's just good Karma! Mike Jones saved my Shadowrun campaign!". The editor of The Shadowrun Supplemental, Adam Jury, would like many people to download BeCKS v2, so he's not going to pimp the great features of BeCKS v2 any more, and instead just point out that you can download it for free at <a href=""></a>!

<b>About The Shadowrun Supplemental</b>
The Shadowrun Supplemental is the longest continually running Shadowrun magazine in existence. We publish adventures, characters, locations, rules, equipment, spells, reviews, and just about anything to do with Shadowrun! The Shadowrun Supplemental is dedicated to providing new and interesting source material for the Shadowrun role-playing game.

Submission guidelines are available at <a href=" ... es.html</a>.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 1:57 am
by Bethyaga
DSF echo:
Bethyaga wrote:I just found an error. Sample character Seamus has a restriction of "No skills higher than 5." But I slipped and gave him a single skill of 6. Crap. We'll have to assume that I got GM permission because it fit the character concept so well.
Crap crap crap. I was trying to be so careful about the numbers this time.

*sigh* It's probably just the first of many.

Re: BeCKS v2 Now Available

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:37 am
by FlakJacket
Adam wrote:The Shadowrun Supplemental is pleased to announce that the stand-alone release of BeCKS - Bethyaga's Complete Karma System Version 2 - is now available at <a href=""></a>
Yeah yeah yeah, very nice I'm sure. Kudo to Bethyaga. Where's our Seattle bitch? :)

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:39 am
by Salvation122

Seriously, guys, it looks great. I'm thinking about using it for my next campaign.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:43 am
by Nexusvoid
Is the background for the resource table on page 4 only supposed to go down half way?

Edit: Doh, forgot to say nice work, guys. :D

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 6:51 pm
by Adam
Nexusvoid wrote:Is the background for the resource table on page 4 only supposed to go down half way?
No. Fixed.

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 6:54 am
by Darth Sophia

BeCKS has got to be my favourite CharGen system - Kudos!

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 7:22 am
by Jestyr
Two thumbs up! Excellent holiday fun.

(Name that quote...)

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 11:13 am
by Jackal
Kick ass system

One thing I have to ask about, under Shapshifters it has "(i.e. 40 Karma for 5,000; 80 Karma for 40,000; etc.).", wouldn't 40 karma get you 10,000 ¥ instead of 5,000 ¥?

Also, does karma not spent become good karma?

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 6:13 pm
by Bethyaga
Jackal wrote:Kick ass system
One thing I have to ask about, under Shapshifters it has "(i.e. 40 Karma for 5,000; 80 Karma for 40,000; etc.).", wouldn't 40 karma get you 10,000 ¥ instead of 5,000 ¥?
Also, does karma not spent become good karma?
No. You spend it or lose it.

But if a GM wanted to play it that way, there would be nothing wrong with it. I would say you can leave unspent karma as good karma, but also set a cap (of like 4 or 5). Just because I know how hard it can be to find a way to invest that last 2 karma constructively.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 7:14 pm
by paladin2019
Where is this hosted now?

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:49 pm
by Just Pete

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:24 pm
by paladin2019