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[IRC] Winternight Dice Server 1.0

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 7:24 am
by Kai
[22:38] <Adam> Wildfire: Write a TCL script that lets people invite eggdrop to a channel, select a game/dice bot on the fly, and then leaves the channel when no-one else is there.


So I'm hacking away at a nice, completely well done dice script to add a few things like rolling against target numbers and different rerolling schemes for different games, but I need more input.

What it can already do:
  • Any number of any sided dice, eg 1d20, 4d6
    Sets of rolls, eg 3 sets of 4d6
    take highest or lowest of rolls, eg 3/4d6 or -2/7d6
    Add offsets, eg 2d6+4
    Reroll on a certain result, ed d8r1 rerolls 1d8 on a result of 1
    Weight roll eg, 5d6w-

By default it shows individual rolls and a total, unused rolls are displayed in dark red, rerolls in bright red, everything else in black. What else should be capable of doing dice wise? We'll get into logistics and better interface later

Things to do
  • Add support for Shadowrun reroll on 6 and sum result [done]
    Roll against user supplied target number, count over or equal and over [done]
    Roll against user supplied target number, count under or equal and under [done]
    Roll against a set target number[rolled into above tn handling by alias]
What else does it need to do for anyone to be able to use it for any game?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 2:26 pm
by Adam
A feature to mark one nickname as the GM, and a facility to mark a roll as "Send the results to the GM only." :-)

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 2:31 pm
by Cazmonster
I love Wildfire in ways that are not healthy for me to talk about in mixed company.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 4:03 pm
by Kai
User flags, okay, tagged for future dev.

Sending rolls to the GM, okay, as in rolls the GM makes and can only see, or the ability to direct the results of any roll to the GM only?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 4:22 pm
by Adam
My idea was for anyone to tag any roll so the results go to the GM only.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 7:03 pm
by Bethyaga
Fudge Dice would be nice.

Essentially, dF = (d3)-2

Standard roll is 4dF (which = 4d3-8). I know I can type in 4d3-8, but it's not smooth.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 7:24 pm
by Cazmonster
Bethy, you are so damn smart!

Cazmonster pleades with Wild to be quick with the fudgey goodness.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 7:29 pm
by FlameBlade
Raven caws in agreement with Bethyaga, for Fudge has made him a powerful being.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 8:16 pm
by Jackal
Some tags for WW's WoD and Exalted would be nice as well. Also, the ability to tell it to roll dice under a number like in BESM.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 9:10 pm
by Kai
Adam: Okay, that's cool, I think I can write another trigger so instead of 'roll' you type'gmroll' and the dice roll result will only go to the GM

Bethy: Easily done. Anything that the script can roll I can alias, so the script will be sent 4d3-8 but as a user you might type 'roll 4dF'

Jackal: Okay Target numbers split into
- Roll against user supplied target number, count over or equal and over
- Roll against user supplied target number, count under or equal and under

FYI, Winternight is always present in #opengame unless we lose power, feel free to go in and play with the dice, I'll post updates as things are implemented. Working on functionality first, then alias to make things easier.

Not sure which way game rules will go yet, I'm tending towards loading a set of rules based on a user command (ie roll exaltinit, srinit) as that would be easier I think for making sure different channels could use different rules. Hopefully I can set it up though so that each channel can set its own bind commands so that GMs can say 'this channel is for BESM' and the script will automatically know to call besminit when someone in that channel calls init, but I'm getting way ahead of my skill level with Tcl now so we'll see about that later :)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 2:31 am
by Kai
Okay, after much thought, it seems that we are in fact pretty covered functionality wise. So, next step is aliasing and formatting output. This I could use a little help with. I'm starting with Shadowrun as I know that system well. I'd like other people to volunteer to break down all the rolls for a particular game and forward that info to me,

Like SRs rolls are all d6 and three types 1) Initiative rolls, no re-rollls on 6 2) Open tests, do reroll on 6 and report highest roll and 3) TN test, reroll on 6 and count number of rolls TN or higher

Games I can think of:

Shadowrun - Wildfire - Done
Exalted - Jackal - Specs (mostly) done
Fudge - Bethyaga - Done
Earthdawn - Maelwys
White Wolf (seperate systems or all use same rules?)
Babylon 5 Wars - Cash
Mechwarrior - Nexusvoid - Done
KAMB - Flamblade - Done

Please volunteer for these or for other games you want to be programmed in

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 3:22 pm
by Cash
Babylon 5 Wars (uses a d20, multiple d10's, multiple d6's)

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 6:34 pm
by Kai
Added to the list

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 8:37 pm
by Ancient History
All WHite WOlf games use the SToryteller d10 system (as opposed to the Masterbook d10 system.) in a manner similar to the Shadowrun D6 system (as opposed to the Steve Jackson Games D6 system).

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 8:51 pm
by Nexusvoid
MechWarrior 3rd Edition.
  • 2d10 system for checks, results are added together and 10s are rerolled.
  • Initiative is done with 2d10, adding the chars reflex attribute, amongst other modifiers. So, 2d10+x or 2d10-x. There are cumulative modifiers, but I'd leave figuring out the gross number to the player or GM.
  • Damage rolls are multi-d6.
  • Some traits and certain types of skill checks use other numbersof d10s - always with the rule of 10 intact IIRC.
  • Maelwys can probably add more.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 9:52 pm
by Adam
Ancient History wrote:All WHite WOlf games use the SToryteller d10 system (as opposed to the Masterbook d10 system.)
Are there not variants between different WoD games, Adventure, Trinity, etc? I thought there was some variance between them in the basic mechanic.
in a manner similar to the Shadowrun D6 system (as opposed to the Steve Jackson Games D6 system).
I don't know if you don't know the terms or just aren't using them, but: The Storyteller and Shadowrun systems are typically called "dice pool" systems - you have a pool of dice that varies depending on the attribute/skill/etc being applied, while the GURPS system [which is not the only system that SJG publishes...] is more commonly called a "bell curve" system.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 10:01 pm
by Kwyndig
Yeah, Adventure!, Aberrant, and Trinity use a modified Storyteller system. Exalted uses an even more modified Storyteller system.

Oh, and Adam, since you'd know, what the devil is BESM and SAS? A bell curve, something else?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 10:12 pm
by Ancient History
Sorry. I should have stated "WOrld of Darkness."

As for the dice-pool name, feh. The systems are more than the sum of their dice, that didn't quite come out right...<applies fuckit factor>

What system does Big Eyes Small Mouth use?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 10:36 pm
by Adam
xDy added together results in a bell curve.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 12:03 am
by FlameBlade
Mostly important, will it be available for my KAMB game? All I need is a set of d6 :)

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 12:23 am
by Kai
Just tell me what you want aliases for. Example, Shadowrun will have

srinit Xd6+Y
sropen Xd6
srtarget Xd6 Y

Tell me what kind of rolls you want and I'll alias them

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 12:30 am
by FlameBlade
regular rolls :).

a lot alike compared to sropen xd6

That's all I need, really :)

KAMB xd6 is what I would like to have.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 5:59 am
by Kai
A game a day, I could deal with that :) As noted, Shadowrun has passed ITV, tomorrow's goal, KAMB and Fudge as they are simple and possible work on Mechwarrior.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 6:30 pm
by Jackal
Just figured I'd point out that for Exalted (a game by WW) that the d10's are not rolled like in Shadowrun.

First, your target number is always 7 (unless you're a sidereal, because they break the rules).

Tasks are usually a standard difficulty meaning you only need one success to accomplish the task. The difficulty can go up to 5 successes needed.

Rule of 1: If all of your dice come up less than 7 it's a failure. But, if you fail and any of the dice come up with a 1 then it's a botch.

Rule of 10: Any die that comes up as a 10 is treated as 2 success instead of one.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 7:09 pm
by Cazmonster
Kai wrote:A game a day, I could deal with that :) As noted, Shadowrun has passed ITV, tomorrow's goal, KAMB and Fudge as they are simple and possible work on Mechwarrior.
Thood runs up and hands Kai a bucket of what looks like brewed fungus beer.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 7:11 pm
by Adam
Wildfire, this is the shiznit. Thank you.

More done...

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 9:00 pm
by Kai
KAMB aliased as

kamb Xd6
straight d6 rolls, no target numbers no rerolls, reports total

Fudge aliased as:

fudge X
rolls essentially X(d3-2), reports die results as -1,0, or 1 and Total.

Mechwarrior aliased as:

mw3check Xd10, roll X d10s,reroll and add on 10
mw3init: Xd10+Y, no rerolls on ten
mw3damage: Xd6, no rerolls or offset

Please correct if something isn't right. Unless corrections are given or rules sets for more games will look into having the bot accept invites to channels tomorrow

Exalted will be implemented as:
exalttarget Xd10 Y, roll Xd10s against target number Y, any 10s add 1 extra success

Any other rolls needed for Exalted?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:16 pm
by Kai
Well, somewhat better, you may now /msg Winternight from anywhere on dumpshock. To invite it into channels:
identify yourself as a user (/msg Winternight hello)
tell it you are a gm for a channel (/msg Winternight gm #channel)
invite it (/msg Winternight invite #channel).

You oinly need to id as a user once, it keeps track of people, if you don't choose a password however and try to log on from a different host, you'll have to re-identify as a user.

To make the server leave:
/msg Winternight leave #channel
/msg Winternight no-gm #channel

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 3:49 pm
by FlameBlade