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[WoD] Clans

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 2:17 am
by FlakJacket
With the whole thing winding down in a bit and all the new releases, there's a fair bit of commotion at the moment. But the thing's been going for how many years and is bloody complex now. You've got the original clans, the Dark Ages ones, weird freaky ones like the Baali etc. Anyone know of some good resources setting out the different Clans and what they're up to/histories? Hell, I'm still trying to get a handle on different bllodlines, offshoots, mutations of one clan to another and the like and how that happens. :/

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:38 pm
by Ancient History
I sat down and wrote it out once, then looked at all the other WoD material I was having to dig into, and all the stuff I couldn't find...and said fuck it. I could give you a run-down on Clans, Bloodlines and How They Came to Be Monday, if you like.

--Returning to Vacationdom.---

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 1:54 pm
by DV8
I'd like to read that, AH.

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:37 pm
by FlakJacket
Post it. Or a link to it.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:29 am
by Ancient History
This is everything I could immediately lay my hands on. There's more-I know I left out a revevant family or three at least, and probably a little bloodline or two. And that's just in the books I know about, I've not read all that WW ever produced.

Likewise, I have not included Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom, as I cannot find my notes on that. But I can look, if'n ye like.


Clan--A large family of vampires that traces its ancestry back to a single Antedeiluvian, and which has a great deal of power/influence by means of numbers.

Antritribu--Rebellious splinters from Clan, but often not sufficiently different to count as bloodlines.

Bloodline--A family of vampires, usually small, descended from a single Methusalah. A bloodline has some peculiarty, such as a unique discipline or different set of disciplines, which seperates it from the parent clan. Usually created by natural mutation and isolation; or by blood sorcery.


A Gangrel bloodline of females who underwent a magical reitual to render their vitae sterile (i.e. no Embracing), but also eliminate their susceptibility ot he Blood Bond. (In older editions they possessed Spiritus, another primitive blood magic discipline. No more.) ANyways, they all dissapered, presumed destroyed.

A bloodline offshoot of Clan Gangrel adapted to life on the Steppes.

Assamites aka Benu Haquim
This clan, based in the Middle East, is noted for its practices of blood magic (both the refined Assamite Sorcery, also known as Dur-an-ki; as well as the more primitive Quietus.). The clan consists of three seperate bloodlines, each with distinct discipline preferences and predilections.
  • Viziers are scholars, judges and magistrates.
    Warriors are assassins and executioners; cursed with blood lust.
    Magicians are sorcerors, seers and scholars.
A central focus of the clan as a whole is the Path of Blood, and the veneration of their antediluvian Haquim. Previously seen as a clan of judges, the Assamites of today are bloodthirsty seekers of amaranth.

Assamite Antitribu were those who did not submit to the blood-curse of the Tremere; and could drink blood from vampires freely. They allied with the Sabbat. With the breaking of the curse, no difference remains between they and other Assamites; though the clan has since split politically.

A bloodline approaching the status of a clan, these diabolists were created thousands of years ago by three antediluvians who came across and slaughtered a primitive tribe of devil-worshipers. The identity of the three is unknown, though current bets lay claim to Saulot, Tzimsce and Cappadocius. The bloodline was nearly destroyed several times, and is continually hunted by the Salubri and Assamites.

Blood Brothers
Artificially created using a mixture of Thaumaturgy and Koldunic Sorcery by the Sabbat. The Blood Brothers are created in batches and cannot reproduce, so are considered a bloodline. Their discipline of Sanguinus is a derivation of Vicissitude; and some of the Clanless have displayed an ability to use it with those they are blood bound to.

A Clan of warrior-poets which has degenerated into mere rabble-rousers. Their discipline of supernatural speed and reflexes, Celerity, makes them pre-eminent combat monsters, which suits their tendancies perfectly.

Brujah Antitribu are aligned with the Sabbat rather than the Camarilla, and have even worse tempers; but are otehrwise identical.

The original Clan of Death, the Cappodacians are scholars, mystics and seers who studied the Dead, Undead and the Soul with their blood magic discipline of Mortis. They were hunted to extinction by the Giovanni after the diablerie of thier founder, known simply as Cappadocius (whose soul has since been destroyed) by his childe Augustus Giovanni.

Children of Osiris
Not really a bloodline, and sure as Hell not any of Osiris' childer. This was a group dedicated to Osiris' principles, embodied in the discipline known as Bardo created by a vampire that met Osiris. ANyways, they died/were reborn when Osiris entered the Web of Faith from the Dark Kingdom of Sand.

Daughters of Cacophony
A bloodline of unknown origin, thought to be either Toreader or Malkavanian; these primarily female songstresses enchant and madden with their unique Discipline of Melpominee. Recently, they destroyed all their non-female members (savea single transsexual they didn't know about.

Followers of Set
This Clan follows the dead Antediluvian Set's principles; and fights his enemies (notably Mummies). They focus on corruption and seek to reclaim Egypt as their own. The clan has two unique Disciplines, though only Serpentis (a derivation of Protean) is a clan discipline; Setite Sorcery (an ancient blood magic based on the hedge magics of Heku, a version of which are practiced among the Risen) although prized, is not a preference.

Serpents of the Light are Setite Antitribu, members of the Sabbat, and philisophically opposed to the Setites. Based in Haiti, they are often embroiled in Voudoun; and some are practitioners of the Wanga and Voudoun Necromancy blood magic disciplines.

Clan Gangrel are form-shifters, kin to both the Changing Breeds (werewolves, etc) and the Rom (Gypsies). Gangrel of all Clans find it easiest to produce bloodlines for some reason, but are cursed to acquire bestial features as they frenzy. Sabbat Gangrel are split into two bloodlines: City Gangrel and Country Gangrel; which have different discipline preferences.

A bloodline created by the Tremere from the corpses of Tzimsce, Nosferatu and Gangrel; these abominations cannot pass for human. Originally magical constructs rather than true vampires, only a few could Embrace and few possessed true Disciplines. In time, however, Gargoyles became a true bloodline, and incorporated Tremere rituals of empowerment into the discipline of Visceratika.

Originally a bloodline of Venetian nigramancers Embraced by the Cappadocians, the Giovanni turned their hedge magics and the blood magic of Mortis into a new discipline known as Necromancy. Unlike Mortis, Necromancy focused on the spirit rather than the flesh. Eventually, Augustus Giovanni diablerized his sire Cappadocius and setroyed the remaining corpse-like Cappadocians, allowing the Giovanni to become the new Clan of Death. They have inducted new necromancy-minded families worldwide, such as the Dunsirn of Scotland (cannibalistic kinfolk to the White Howlers, that clan which became the Black Spiral Dancers); the Ghiberti (European colonists in Africa who have developed/stolen magics to deal with the quadrupart African soul); the Pisanob (Aztec blood magicians); and the Milliners (American bankers).

Harbingers of Skulls
A branch of the Cappadocians who were condemned to die by Cappadocius in the ancient city of Kaymakli; but escpaed into the Underworld. There they survived for centuries, until they came-bearing the trademark corpse-like-appearence of the Cappadocians, though with a preference for their own branch of Nercomancy (Mortis appears to be a lost art among them). They quickly joined the Sabbat.

A bloodline of the Lasombra created when a guinea-pig ingested an alchemical potion derived from faerie blood, among other things. The bloodline founder soon developed certain fey characteristics, such as a weakness to cold iron, and developed the disciplien of Mytherceria, a preference for which was passed on in his blood. These fey Kindred have since become rare and remote scholars, and allied with the Sababt.

African Kindred, possibly descended from Gangrel.
Note: this changes substantially with Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom, which I have not yet included in these notes.

A bloodline of the Cappadocians, first created when Lazarus(childe of Cappadocius) Embraced the mortal leader of a Lilith cult. The Lamia bloodline served the Cappadocian scholars as bodyguards and warriors; each member an initiate of the Lilith cult and possessed of a unqiue path of Mortis, the Path of the Four Humours. They fell defending the Cappadocians from the Giovanni, who inherited thei venemous Kiss.

The Clan of Shadows, and a guiding hand of the Sabbat. The Lasombra's antediluvian appears to have been destroyed in a revolt. The unique discipline of Obtenbration taps into a plane of infinite power known as the Abyss...power which can be further harnessed by means of a lore known as Abyssal Mysticism, which allows rituals to be devised drawing on this malignant umbra.

Lasombra Antitribu are those Lasombra who are part of the Camarilla rather than the Sabbat. No blood-based difference exists.

A druidic-based bloodline, likely Gangrel-derived, who are tied to their mystic sites. The Lhiannon each carry a fragment of a powerful nature spirit, from which they derive their primitive blood magic discipline of Ogham. They were eradicated from their central region of Britain by invading vampires and progress.

Descened from the mad Antediluvian known only as Malkav, the Clan of the Moon (Luna->Lunacy->Lunatics->Howling at the Moon, etc) are all mad. Completely insane. However! All Malkavanians are also connected by the Malkavanian Madness NEtwork, a sort of psychic web of madness them. Yeah. Oh, and they tend to sprout prophetics stuff and play pranks. Back when the Camarilla was formed, a mental block was placed on the Malkavanians to "tone down" their madness. This is why Camarilla Malkvanians only had one Derangement each and Dominate isntead of Dementation, like their Malkavanian Antitribu, who had TWO derangements each and Dementation. 'course, then the Camarilla Malkavanians pretty much all "caught" Dementation (a derivation of Dominate) as the mental block came loose; leaving only a few with Dominate as a preferred discipline. Sabbat Malkavanians are still crazier than Camarilla ones.

A group of mages allied with the Black Hand who became a bloodline of Vampires. Their death magics, known as "Nihilistics," became a path of Necromancy. They are noted for their talent at Necromancy and need to cannibalise their victims.

The Nosferatu elder, Absimiliad, was cursed by Caine. He and all his childer are hideous to look upon; warped upon their embrace into monstrous forms. Nosferatu's eldest childer are the Nictuku, who stalk their lesser brothers the Nosferatu at their sire's bidding.
The Nosferatu do not have bloodlines as such, but sometimes specific deformities can be inherited as "lineages."
  • Fossori, caretakers of Rome's catacombs
    Larvae Tzimsce experiments in the Balkans
    Parisii Influential if putrescent Nosferatu of Paris
    Lazarene Followers of Constantinople's promise.
    Volsi Giants of the Volsung Saga of the Western Empire.
Nosferatu antitribu are aligned with the Sabbat. No other differences (really, most Nosferatu don't care about sect loyalties).

Not really a Clan in the true sense of the word, but a political entity in the Sabbat to give Caitiff a group to hang with.

Tricksters and philisophical roamers, oftem from Rom stock, the Ravnos are known for their legendary feud with the Gangrel and their illusions. The latter come from their primitive blood magic discipline of Chimerstry, which can both harm the fey and alter the very nature of reality, but which takes a toll on the vampire's own sense of what is real.
The Ravnos have seperated into several bloodlines, most merely political/religious/social (and hence not going into here) and two with slightly different preferred disciplines: the Brahmin, and the Phuri Dae.

Note: most of the Ravnos went insane and killed themselves/each other during the Week of Nightmares.

Salubri aka Wu Zao
The Clan of Healers, childer of Saulot. The Salubri are a dual clan of warriors and healers, each developing part of the twofold path of their unique discipline Valeren, developed from Saulot's study with Eastern Vampires (also, the only known successful attempt by one of the Kindred in mimicing the powers of the Keui-jin). The Tzimsce hate the Salubri for a long ago assault upon them (the Salubri thought they were Baali). The Tremere hunted the Salubri almost to extinction after Tremere diablerized Saulot (Zao-lot); only seven true Salubri remained in the Modern Nights; and their discipline of Obeah is the Healer's Path of Valeren. Saulot's childer in the Middle Kingdom are scholars and thieves known as Wu Zao, and survive there despite the Tremere pruge.

Salubri Antitribu recently joined the Sabbat, and are Salubri who embrace the Warrior's Path of Valeren to hunt down their enemies, such as the Tremere.

Where the Cappodacians were walking corpses, the Samedi are walking rotting corpses. Descendants of the Cappadocians, skilled at Necromancy, few in number.

Telyavelic Tremere
A Tremere bloodline from a chantry in Lithuania, practicing two unique Thaumaturgical paths and a few rituals under the heading "Sielanic Thaumaturgy." Later wiped out.

A bloodline of the Followers of Set, these vampires were long ago spawned in Central and South America, where they developed their blood magic of Nahuallotl. They were persecuted by invading European vampires; but survived until the Modern Nights where they allied with the Giovanni Pisanob family. The Tlacique are unaware of their Setite ancestry.

A Clan of aesthetes and artists. Yeah, that's about it. Sorta boring. They are aligned with the Camarilla.

Toreador Antitribu are like regular Toreador, but like Sadomasochistic enterprises, torture and the like. Too much time associating with the Tzimsce, see? They are aligned with the Sabbat.

House Tremere of the Order of Hermes (an order of mages) used a mystic ritual to become vampires from the vitae of a slain Tzimsce. They soon managed to create Thauamturgy a type of blood magic based on the older forms of the hedge magics they practiced in their mortal days. They fought against many sides, diablerized Saulot, destroyed most of the Salubri, created the Gargoyles, and beat back continued assaults from the Tzimsce, who (until Saulot's amaranth) saw the Tremere as little more than a renegade Tzimsce bloodline. They have since been a staunch pillar of the Camarilla.

House Goriatrix, the Tremere antitribu, were led by the renegade methusalah Goriatrix until Tremere took occupancy and destroyed the rogue thaumaturges.

True Brujah
A bloodline which claims descent from Brujah, whom was diablerized by his childe Troile, from whom Clan Brujah descends. Unlike the Brujah, whom they despise, the True Brujah are cold and calculated. Their involvement with the Black Hand has lent them necromantic knwoledge enough to create Temporis, a superior discipline based on the principles of Celerity, but superceding it.

The Clan of Fiends, a venerable line tied to their soil. It is claimed their Antediluvian founder was a mage who created Vicissitude and the Path of Metamorphosis in order to seek his lost Avatar. In any event, Vicissitude is somewhere between a disease and a discipline, and some say it is the physical corruption of Tzimsce himself. The clan is known as the principle power of the Sabbat; and the might of their koldun (those who practice the elemental blood sorceries of Koldunic Sorcery, first developed and most often used by the Tzimsce) is respected.

Old Clan Tzimsce were never touched by Vicissitude, and have many odd theories regarding those Tzimsce who do. They sit in their ancient European voivodes as the closest example to Tzimsce Antitribu.

The closest thing to a Clan of Kings, the Ventrue are leaders, pure and simple. They have long maintained that bloodlines only happy among the low clans.

Ventrue antitribu are aligned with the Sabbat. No other differences.


A Tzimsce revenant family originally bred for war ghouls, aligned with the Sabbat.

A very, very old revenant family, created by the Baali Nergal from his priesthood. It is important to note that any D'habi exhibiting the power of Daimonion is killed immediately.

A revenant family created by the Tzimsce of the Old World; betrayed their masters to ally with the Tremere. Noted for a talent with mechanical devices.

A revenant family created by the Tzimsce as spies; nearly destroyed by the Assamites and Tremere.

Loosely aligned with the Sabbat, tightly bound to the Tzimsce and carefully infliutrating the Arcanum, Society of Leopold and other mage societies, the Obertus revenant family is composed of scholars.

A revenant family devoted to serve Russia's Tzimsce, and those of the Oradea League; all are cursed to be haunted by a ghost.

A revenant family of witches; well versed in Hedge Magics, created by the Black Hand.

Eastern european nobility from which the Tzimsce used to draw stock; currently aligned with the Sababt. Secretly the keepers of the Tzimsce antediluvian.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:38 am
by DV8
Very cool.