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FOR SALE: Various Gaming Novels

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:33 pm
by Maelwys
One good thing about packing stuff up is you get to realize where all the duplicates are. Damn things making me have over 100 posts. Anyway, here are a list of SR and BT novels that I have duplicates of. Let me know if anyone's interested, should be able to cut a deal on the price.

SR Novels
Preying for Keeps
Clockwork Asylum
Fade to Black
Streets of Blood
Steel Rain
Never Trust an Elf
The Lucifer Deck
Dead Air
Night's Pawn
Beyond the Pale
House of the Sun
Just Compensation
Wolf and Raven
Blood Sport
Stranger Souls
Who hunts the Hunter
Black Madonna

Battletech Novels
Tactics of Duty
Shadows of War
The Hunters
Exodus Road

Most of them are very good condition, having only been read once or twice. A few of them have cracks along the spine, but nothing serious. No pages falling out, no covers coming off, etc. I'm also looking for a copy of Terminus Experiment, since for some odd reason that book went missing. (I unfortunately found my copy of Shadowboxer <sigh>)

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:05 pm
by Anguirel
I picked up a copy of the Terminus Experiment a little over a year ago at GenCon. It's still in very good condition (or was last I saw it - I can check it if you're interested in taking it). And once I check what I have currently, I'd probably be interested in almost all of the SR books - if any are parts of series but not full series, I'll probably need ot dig up the others, but I got money again, and I like books... Hell, if the BT novels are good, I wouldn't mind reading some of them too. I haven't read any yet, so if there's some you should read before others, you'd have to let me know. ;)

So... yeah. I'll probably ask you about this on IRC at some point, what sort of time frame are you looking at to off-load these?

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 9:48 am
by Maelwys
Anguirel wrote:I picked up a copy of the Terminus Experiment a little over a year ago at GenCon. It's still in very good condition (or was last I saw it - I can check it if you're interested in taking it). And once I check what I have currently, I'd probably be interested in almost all of the SR books - if any are parts of series but not full series, I'll probably need ot dig up the others, but I got money again, and I like books... Hell, if the BT novels are good, I wouldn't mind reading some of them too. I haven't read any yet, so if there's some you should read before others, you'd have to let me know. ;)

So... yeah. I'll probably ask you about this on IRC at some point, what sort of time frame are you looking at to off-load these?
Time frame I don't really care about. They're just sitting in a box. The only series in SR that I know about is the Dragonheart Saga, and all 3 of those books are for sale. The rest are stand alones. As for the BT novels, most of them are part of a series. 1,3,4,6 oddly enough. Tactics of Duty is a Grey Death Legion book, so while not really part of a series, there are a couple of GDL books before it, but it is written as a stand alone.

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 3:50 pm
by DV8
Black Madonna
House of the Sun
Streets of Blood
Night's Pawn
