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[Shadowrun] Groups, organizations and threats.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:33 am
by Serious Paul
Time to share again. Post your best threat, terrorist cell, or what not.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:30 am
by I am poison
Mundane Protection Society
Headquarters: San Francisco, California Protectorate
Leader: Dr Kaveri Padamini, ThD.
Members: 50
Motto: “Dedicated to protecting the less fortunate.”
A splinter of the Association of Talismongers, the iMPS spend their time researching ways to protect mundanes from hostile magic using everything from genetech, bacteria, critters and foci. One of their not-so-well-known activities is snatching anything even hinted at protecting against magic, whether from myth or modern media. They’ve been known to hire runners without telling them all the details, so expect some surprises if you find your Johnson is an iMPS ringer. Publicly, the group supports Scorching magician criminals and mana warp prisons. Support is mostly from corporate research grants from places like Yakashima, which explains the largely token research into metagenetics and SURGE reversal.

> And if you find yourself running against the Society, beware because they’ve got some major magical security. Makes you wonder if they’re really trying to protect mundanes by hording all these suspected aids.
> Kry Bay Bee

> They sometimes hire runners to acquire magical items they consider too powerful for any magician to control, which has brought them into conflict with a certain feathered serpent if the rumors are true.
> Zerox

> They should change their motto to “protecting the unfortunate” with the way they patronize mundanes. Makes me sick. Don’t believe for a minute that these jokers aren’t all about getting rid of metas either, Padamini was kicked out of the Association for some racist comments she made at a confrence in Seattle.
> Lester

The Archimedes Brotherhood

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:29 am
by Serious Paul
The Archimedes Brotherhood

Type: Conspiratorial

Description: The Archimedes Brotherhood is a relatively small community of mages who also hold a significant status in the scientific community, all holding a Doctorates level education or higher. Dedicated to the advancement of magical science, they have slowly begun toinfiltrate various corporate and government entities. Limited by their small numbers, The Archimedes Brotherhood is not a major force, but hopes to grow. Currently the lack real direction.

Strictures:Group Limited membership (Doctorates or higher education, hermetic only, math emphasis.) Oath

Individual Belief (Science is supreme, and math the key to the universe.) Fraternity, Obedience, and Secrecy.

Group Resources: Luxury

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:37 am
by Serious Paul

Headquarters:New Orleans

Members: 20 to 25, rotating membership.

Based out of New orleans DINA is a group of adventurers supported by a wealthy philanthropist. Tackling the sixth worlds unsoved mysteries, unclimbed mountaisn and dark corners they are dedicated to living life to its fullest each and every day.

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:23 am
by I am poison
Home of the Sparrow
Headquarters: Milwaukee, UCAS
Leader: Reverend Belinda Stunkel
Inner Circle: 73
Members: 500
Motto: “To empower individuals and families to eliminate homelessness, joblessness and hunger by teaching self-reliance, independence and self-discipline.”

Known publicly for helping homeless and abused families (aka women and children) find transitional homes and jobs, the Home of the Sparrow has also trained women to take revenge upon abusive spouses and help them to beat the rap. Those listed as Inner Circle have all killed their abusive partners and either covered it up or were let off on a self-defense plea. Using everything from magic to poison and "accidents", the group holds back no means of disposal. Nor do they always wait for the women to come to them.

> I know what you're thinking: "This doesn't apply to me." Sure, you're a great guy, treat your woman right and all... But can you say the same for all your contacts? I lost a good informant to these loons just because he liked to get drunk a little much, so don't say you haven’t been warn.
> X-Star

> Yeah, drink too much and then beat his kid black after every tip-off. You should be glad we're so lenient with coconspirators like you.
> Ieon2

> Anyone scan these freaks for Mantis?
> Bug Hunter

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:51 am
by I am poison
Djembe Obscura
Classification: Terrorist Cell
AKA: Dark Drum, Void Sounding
Suspected Leader[s]: Dr. Bobby Angel, Calvin Tjader, Specs Cohen
Estimated Numbers: 15
Range: Salish-Shidhe Council, Sioux Nation
Linked Activities: Bombing of TARGET#SSC89UY2 [metahuman smuggling operation], Sabotage of TARGET#SN9874F3 [Sioux Office of Military Intelligence Analyst Center], Weapon Supply of GROUP#TX43S1 [Sons of the Alamo], Aiding Military Combatant THREAT#CFS1 [<RESTRICTED>]
Threat Rating: 0012 Low

> The Dark Drum spends a good deal of time monitoring groups in the Salish and Sioux known or suspected of helping the MPA or Pueblo in the fight against Saito. The Protectorate most likely funds them, but how much and if they founded the group is an unknown. If you’ve got a supply chain to the resistance, watch those leaders closely.
> Knonsuspekt

> Wait a tick, that’s all the NSA has on these jokers? I can count off a dozen more bombings and a few dozen more supplied policlubs from the top of my head - though I admit I didn’t know about the Sons of the Alamo. Hell, they’re not even in the range. Any scan on that?
> Freeza

> Everybody needs make cred somehow, but maybe antagonizing the Azzies makes the PCC pay more attention to the southern boarder?
> Knonsuspekt