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Shadowrun Character

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:42 am
by Tiny Deev
So, I'm making my first shadowrun character, and I'm probably going to need some help. Here's how it looks right now.
Morgan Ladimore
2.91 Meters
251 kilograms
Troll (Homo Sapien Ingentis:
+5 body, -1 quickness, +4 strength -2 intelligence, -2 Charisma
Themographic Vision, +1 Reach for Armed/Unarmed Combat, Dermal Armor(+1 Body))
Shaman (Totem: Dog)

C: Attributes: 25 Skills:34 Spell points: 25

Body- 2 +5+1= 8
Quickness- 4 -1= 3
Strength- 3 +4= 7
Intelligence- 6 -2= 4
Willpower- 4 +0= 4
Charisma- 6 -2= 4

Essence: 6
Magic: 6
Reaction= 3+4=7/2=3.5= 3
Initiative: 2+1d6
I'm probably doing something entirely wrong, and you may call me a nub if I am.
So, yeah, have anything to add here then please do.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:03 pm
by Heavy_D
I'll have a look at it....can't say yet if it's ok or not. You should also ask Dennis if he allows his alternative system for character creation. Might help if he allows it to be used, but that's up to him.

I'm currently working on a character concept myself, knowing full and well that it will be some time before I'll be able to join you, but it might help having a character that's already partially written into the story when I do start.

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:26 pm
by Tiny Deev
As soon as Dennis is back I'll ask him.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:39 pm
by Serious Paul
Have you a copy of the NSRCG? For the numbers part of chargen it's great. 3.75 karma per point for BeCK's.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:05 am
by Tiny Deev
Don't have it.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:27 pm
by 3278
I may no promises as to the extractability of the archive - we've had a number of problems with it over the years - but you're welcome to use our copy. Any problems, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:52 pm
by Tiny Deev
I'm not all keen on using a Gen on my first Character. I'll give it a try though.

I have this.
Morgan "Cheese" Ladimore
"Life is to short for racial bias. I'm not here to eat your babies, relax"

"Its the big bad troll here for your towns virgins, boogabooga!"

"See, in my world, there are two things that can happen with women. 1. You don't have sex with them, and then there is really no need to ever call them again. 2. You do have sex with them, and then there is really no need to ever call them again"

2.91 Meters
251 kilograms
Troll (Homo Sapien Ingentis:
+5 body, -1 quickness, +4 strength -2 intelligence, -2 Charisma
Themographic Vision, +1 Reach for Armed/Unarmed Combat, Dermal Armor(+1 Body))
Shaman (Totem: Raven)

C: Attributes: 24

Body- 1 +5+1= 7
Quickness- 4 -1= 3
Strength- 3 +4= 7
Intelligence- 6 -2= 4
Willpower- 4 +0= 4
Charisma- 6 -2=0= 4

Essence: 6
Magic: 6
Reaction= 3+4=7/2=3.5= 3
Initiative: 2=1d6

Skills: 34
Unarmed Combat 5
Etiquette: 6
Edged weapon: 4
Bike: 3
Pistols: 4
Sorcery: 4
Conjuring: 4

spells: 25
Fireball 6,
Heal 6,
Power Bolt 4,
Invisibilty 4,
Acid Steam 4


Grown into troll-dom when he was in puberty. He was the populair, suave kid at school. He rode a motercycle which drove all the girls crazy. At a certain age he started getting terrible shallow headaches above his eyebrows. Also, he would suddenly have a lot of acne troubles, getting zits and warts. Eventually, his left horn would break through his skin. After this it all made sense, and he rode off on his motercycle drunk and drepressed about him becoming a troll. He got rammed by an 18 wheeler of the road. In a coma at the hospital, Morgan had the idea he could step outside of his body, and fly. He was in a coma for a month, and a raven would sit in the open window every night. The nights after he came out of the coma, he would have dreams about him fighting a large black bird. Every night he would have the same type of dreams involving the same bird and he would startle awake, sweating, at 6.48 AM every morning. Eventually, he started hearing voices. He got paranoid, still not understanding much about his new body. The voices became louder, and clearer, and the voices in his head were not only real, but accurate aswell. It was the voice of his totem, the Raven in the window. He listened to it, learned from it, embraced himself and his new knowledge and never spoke to him again.
He now stands at almost 3 meters tall, and weighs around 250 kilo's. Wearing no shirt, a long dark-purple leather coat, a fedora hat and jeans. He carries around a skull, orcish, as foci. A scar on his eyebrow, nose and 4 on his lips, also a piece of ear is torn off. He used to have piercings there but they were ripped out. His horns are broad, but flat, and reach tight over his head through his hair, reach over his shoulders half way between his shoulderblades where they intwine. His hair is in long thick braids tied between his horns. He wears a silver necklase with bird-claws around his large neck. Besides the fact that he doesn't smoke, he keeps a packet of cigarretes with him, and matches, at all time. For when people want to smoke. Duh.
He has the raven bird with him, as a pet, which flies around him or sits on his shoulder. The bird responds to a distinct whistle. When asked what the bird is called he would awnswer: "Uh, its called Bird. I never asked his name, and he never told me. "

Hi, I'm Morgan. Smoke? No? My man..

Look, I can't say I rolled into my line of work. I chose this line of work. You see, I'm a magic user, and not the kind that just goes to school and does the dance and knows the magic. I earned my skills! Yeah, I'm a shaman, if thats what you want to call it. And as a 'shaman' I adher to a totem. My totem, is this little guy right here *points at the bird*. Its a raven. Raven's love carnage and bloodshed. And me, being a troll AND a raven shaman, well, I kind of enjoy my share of gore myself. No no, I won't cut someone open for fun. I don't start the killing, sheesh, just because I'm 3 meters tall doesn't mean I'm a fraggin' ogre!
Don't judge me.
Right, how I got into Shadowrunnin'? Boredom, mostly.

What I love most about being me, is that I don't NEED to pay rent. I hire an appartment, but if I'm late on my payement, no one will come nagging at the Troll with a shotgun, who talks to birds. Loving it, really loving it.
Oh, I pay my rent when I can afford it of course. I'm not a cheat. See, there is that prejudice again! Bah!
There are a few things I need to tweak, really. Dennis asked me to wait till he's there untill I do it though.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:03 pm
by Serious Paul
Wearing no shirt, a long dark-purple leather coat, a fedora hat and jeans. He carries around a skull, orcish, as foci.
This is why I want to shoot the people who thought "Punk" had to be taken to the extreme in the cyberpunk genre. Nothing screams "Shake me down officer, I'm obviously looking to make trouble/sell something/a part of something I shouldn't be" than standing out like this.

Other than that a few questions:

Why have a pistols skill? Hell even a shot gun skill? Why not dump those points into your will power, and magical skills, and spells? I'd consider dumping you Unarmed, or specializing because I see nothing in your background that says "Pit Fighter", so beyond a little bit of self defense (Specialize in Judo, or defensive maneuvers) why not concentrate on what this guy really is.

This guy was "that guy" in school right? Athletic, smooth and hip right? Rides a motorcycle and makes the girls cream because he's so cool right? Then Raven shows up in his life, and he nearly dies. I'd love to see you reflect this dichotomy in your spells-a bunch more illusion spells, and manipulation spells,probably a few detection spells.

Also your last paragraph suggest you have a legally purchased Apartment, which in turns means you have a SIN, and a direct pipeline to tracking you down when you piss off the wrong people. Shotgun or not, Troll-you're not invincible. Your magic can really help this.

Anyways, I hope anything I've said helps.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:22 am
by Tiny Deev
its all a style thing. He wears no shirt because he thinks its cool. Purple leather jacket, because I myself always wanted one in real life. Fedora hat, 'cause its gangster. I drew my character before I designed him, and I drew him with a skull in his hand. "Alas poor Yorrick, I knew him well..." style. So I threw it in.

You're right on the spells though. It does seem to fit in with his background story.

I don't know much about SIN. Surely there are people who sublet spaces illegally in 2060?
I'll take a look at it tomorrow, as I have one to many Tequila in my system. I don't even kno if I'm typing this correctly.. We'll see.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:33 pm
by Tiny Deev
Right. I was thinking about owning a few suits. I guess that'll make me stand out aswell. Troll in a suit. You know, I can't not stand out! I'm 3 meters tall for crying out loud!
The spell thing, I'll look into.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:10 pm
by Serious Paul
Style is really of secondary concern, and just a personal taste thing. You're correct in saying that at 3m's you'll stick out no matter what. Often times I suggest that if you look guilty, then you are guilty. Sell people the the image they want to see.

Now that image will depend a lot on where your game is set, and when. A troll who looks like a dock worker down near the water front attracts less attention than one who looks like a pimp. Luckily with a few spells you're literally a few seconds from the appropriate look, and style of any setting.

The SIN in Shadowrun is your System Identification Number, and in the simplest of terms is like a supercharged Social Security Number. (I don't recollect if they have those in Europe, or something similar-like Tax ID numbers, etc...) There are benefits and down sides to having one, and not having one. I prefer to have several if I can pull it off, allowing you to fade in and out of multiple identities. (Hmmm, here's a question for anyone-is there a magical means of changing finger prints and retinal scans? Obviously DNA would be a pretty serious spell, but retinal scans and finger prints combined with some Fashion and Makeover would go along ways towards establishing new identities....)

In the end I'd discuss this with whomever is running the game, and get their ruling on it.

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 4:31 pm
by Tiny Deev
I'll have Dennis take a look at it.

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:57 pm
by 3278
Tiny Deev wrote:I'll have Dennis take a look at it.
That's going to be your best option, because Shadowrun differs strongly from GM to GM. Some GMs are telling a cyberpunk story in which dressing like a weirdo won't be a problem, because hey, that's how all the cool kids dress, right? Other GM's run a more strictly "realistic" game, in which the wisest thing for a character to do is to look as much like someone's accountant as possible: wearing average clothes, driving a Ford Americar, maintaining as few tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks as possible.

I don't know enough about Dennis' game to remark about where along that spectrum his games lie, so it's definitely worth asking him if you're tons more likely to end up in jail - or not be hired in the first place - for looking like a counterculture freak. :)