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Imorria: A campaign setting.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:44 pm
by Bonefish

Placeholding post for now, as I'm about to run off to work. But I've been toying around with a fantasy setting, and these are the maps I've worked up for the primary locations. General feel is to sort of mirror the Crusades, sorta.

Aloria is Franco-Norman, roughly 14th century.
Valusia is similar to 14th and 15th century Northern Italy: scattered, non unified city-states, merchantile and maritime powers.
Old Valusia is the old Empire that used to exist in the past, now it's in decay. Sort of Gallo-Roman feel to it.
Khazaria is a weird Jew/Arab mishmash, with the people being, for lack of other words: halflings.
Khrawarzim is an eastern empire, Persian style.
Alania is loosely based on Armenia
Orduinland are the "orcs", and they are.. still sort of out there right now. The Orcish migration was driven across a vast desert by the emergence of a fire-cult in their own lands, wrecking their previous, advanced empire. Orcs are highly skilled artificers and engineers.

I'll try to kick some more info out there when I get back from work tonight.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:03 am
by Ancient History
Tentatively intrigued.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:39 am
by Bonefish
Aloria is where I plan to set most of the action. Aloria(Alaria? Not sure which I like right now). Alorians were originally barbarians in conflict with the Valusian empire, and after a while, they were settled in their current location(from somewhere further west) as Foederates, to protect against the Predecessor of the Kwarhziam state, the Sistani. The Alorians were hardy and fierce warriors, and evolved into a feudal society. Think early medieval Merovingian franks(planning on using a good deal of frankish names, as well, such as Childeric).

In recent history, the Alorian state is recovering from a disasterous succession crisis, known as the Kinslayer Wars. The crux of the issue was that the old king, Childeric III, had no male heirs, until the final years of his life. His numerous brothers and their sons were notable and powerful nobles. Henry, Childeric's eldest brother, became regent for the young Raymond, but he attempted to rule as de facto king during Raymond's majority.

Mass bloodshed as the Kingdom attempted to rip itself apart, multiple brothers claimed the crown, you can imagine the idea. Young Raymond eventually reached Majority, and decided to claim his throne. Of course, Henry was not fond of this idea at all, and the young King only controlled the royal capital, and some small surrounding lands. However, he had the aids of the Templar Knights(Yes, I am ripping off the templars, because, well, I like them, and yes, they will end up as sinister types) as well as an elderly noble woman, well versed in the ancient ways of the Valusians.

Raymond's war against his uncle went badly, he was inexperienced, his troops were meager, and after several set backs, especially against Gregor des Chattaux, Henry's Senschal, he was forced back into the Royal city. As the preperations for the final assault were prepared, Gregor, who had been impressed by the young King's valour and courage on the field, in contrast to the almost cowardly behavior of his own liege, was horrified when Henry refused to fight in the assault.

Gregor had personally witnessed the bravery of the young King, who had fought bravely to defend his Royal standards on the battlefield, who had stood on the walls and resisted the efforts of the besiegers. When the seige was completed, and the young king was brought forth in chains, and abdication was offered, Raymond refused, saying he would rather die as rightful King, than slink like a coward into obscurity. Gregor was given the "honor" of executing Raymond. As he prepared his great two-handed sword for the death stroke, Duke Henry was beside him, and gloating.

Gregor contrasted the avarice, cowardice and base nature of Henry, against the young King who had fought so bravely, and embodied the chivalry of Alorian knights. And Gregor made his decision as he raised his sword, and then pivoted suddenly, hewing Henry in two. Gregor free'd the young King, and with his own household troops stood against the Duke's men, allowing the young king to escape.

Gregor was nearly slain in that episode, tortured and having his teeth removed(quite painful, really) was carried as a prisoner to the Duke's castle, while Raymond gathered his forces and took on the offensive, eventually sieging and taking the ducal castle, and slaying Henry's son, SOMEBODY*.

Raymond has accepted Gregor as his champion, and Gregor, now know as Goldteeth or Goldmouth, for the golden teeth that were given to him, each inscribed with his oath of loyalty and faith to the King, is a reviled and hated figure to the nobility. Gregor, though old, is hardy and a skilled warrior, and his counsel has allowed Raymond to re-unite his kingdom.

However, even the current peace is tenous. The Khwarzian empire is mobilizing a war to expand it's influence over Khazaria, and break the power of the Alorians, and the Alorian nobility are still quite seditious and eager to assert their independence.

Well, it's not anything great, but it's a start. And anyone willing to kick in place names, people names, bits of history, by all means: HELP!

*placeholder name

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:14 pm
by Bonefish
A little more work here, no labels.

The break up of the Old Valusian empire gave rise to the current states as they are, roughly three hundred years ago, and can be attributed to their encounters with the Odunmar refugees. The Odunmar were an ape like form of man-like creature, widely called Urog, Uruk or Orc in various languages, and while haggard and worn, fiercely resisted imperial border forces, untill, like so many other tribes they were given land to settle. For a hundred years the Odunmar provided first clas heavy infantry, well armed and armored in segmented iron armor, for the Odunmar were skilled smiths, well versed in the forging of iron. And then, the force that was driving the Odunmar across an inhospitable desert, the Bogardun.

The Bogardun were a twisted cult of fire worshippers, who having seized upon some dark alchemical secret of fire, a fire that burned unnaturally hot, and could project flaming arrows and spears. The greatest of Bogardun warriors were known to bear some alchemical harness, and immolate themselves and destructive and terrifying ways. And their terrorism of the home land had driven many other tribes before them. This wave of frenzied and desperate brushed aside the hill forts of the Odunmar, and swept into the heart of the Valusian empire.

Into the hilly river valleys the horde swept, through dark forests the struck into Aloria. But over time, the fanatical willingness for death amongst the Cult weakened it's hold over the various tribes, and the Bogardun horde ground itself up, devolving into petty squabbling regions, but not before slaving the flower of the Valusian legions, with several emperors slain on the battle. The outlying provinces broke away, and the central authority of the emperor was impotent, Aloria and the Valusian lowlands were left to their own ability.

Old valusia, as it's known, is largely empty land, with vast tracts of land, formerly the domain of the vibrant freeholder class, now bought up and used as pasturage for the Old Nobility, who employee slave labor in prodigious amounts. The army of Old Valusia, such of it is, consists of the nobles fighting as cavalry, and vast numbers of mercenaries recruited from the Orc tribes, renegade Alorians, and vast numbers of professionals from the lowland city republics.

The Orcs, reduced to such savage bestality by the Bogardun cultists, have begun to reclaim their former sophistication. The vast swamps of the Orclands have been driven back by a sophisticated system of dikes and put under till, while the Orcish towns in the hills ring with the sounds of anvils, many powered by water, or increasingly a strange contraption of pipes and boiler, with hissing steam. And many of the Orcs have begun to change.

While to Odunmar and many other Orcs are known for their great height, and long arms, even allowing them to run on all fours have remained in the plains, the Morag who conquered the Drak forest(that big forest between the two mountain ranges seperating Aloria and Orduinlund) have become squatly built, with powerful and strong nails, almost like claws, and they dwell in the trees, with strange cities built atop the boughs of the vast, dense forest. They even seem to have an almost empathy with the forest, for all attempts to drive them from the forest have suffered a forest suddenly hostile and almost aware.

The Urog, Uruk and Gordan have also lost much of the great height of the plains dwells, with much more man-like proportions, and are most responsible for the nascent industry of the Orcs. As of yet, no one tribal alliance has managed to impose its authority over the others, and the constant warfare between them has spared the many nations bordering them.

A new, and frightening new weapon used by the Orcs, is the Baradum, "thunder spear", a long metal tube, used in a manner similar to a crossbow or arbalest, but it discharges fire and thunder, and strikes men dead, through the heaviest armor from any distance.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:19 am
by Bonefish
A particular feature of Orc culture that should be mentioned: Orcs are raised in communal groups. Their birthing rate is rather phenomenal, and surprisingly enough their medicine and general hardiness means that infant mortality is low. Orc parents share their child=raising duties, resulting in Orcs growing up in a deep, extended period. This amplifies the importance of the Tribe and Kin Group to Orcs, making them very proud and remembering injury to their kin group for a long time.

Throw out EVERYTHING about Orcs being stupid and evil, for evil's sake. Orks are very callous in regards to life, as well as having a short temper and readily resorting to violence, but that's as evil as they get(though, to be fair, that is pretty fucking evil) and their lives are rarely tested by old age, but instead by being killed by something. Law and "rights" as they were are enforced by the group or individual. While an Ork may face almost constant threat of death from his kin, he(or she, Orcs can be remarkably egalitarian about gender)also knows that the kin group is there, almost universally to defend him. The worst penalty, other than death, in orcish law is banishment from the Kin Group. Unaligned Orcs are, for all intents, fucked.

Trial by combat is an essential of Orc society, and prevades their resolution process, at all levels. A commercial exchange may likely be decided by fisticuffs instead of an exchange of services. Generally, this has to be agreed by both participants, or it can ignite a larger feud between Kin Groups and the Fraternities. But an Orc merchant literally has to beat higher prices out of his customers: hence the fraternities, as associations of like minded professionals.

There's no such thing as a privileged class amongst the orcs: all merit will be earned by fighting. Orcs who are poor fighters, end up as servants and slaves, generally bereft of any "real" weapons, and used alongside prisoners for the many menial tasks of society. Then there are rest of orcs, on up to the full-time warriors.

The closest Orcs get to a privileged class are the artifacers; Orcs have a natural aptitude in engineering, and can fashion all manner of items, not just limited to weaponry or armor. Rather than the typical fantasy orc, who is a primitive iron aged something, these ORcs are pretty good mechanics. In the process of killing so many other orcs, and patching up the remains, the Orcs have remarkably adept medicine and an excellent working theory of genetics and evolution.

Something tangible about Orcs, is their smell. Orcs have a keen sense of smell, and their body exudes a cloud of pheromones. This is generally offensive to humans(even the little Khazar types) and is one of the major complaints in regards to being in proximity to an Orc: they STINK. However, the pheromones are an important aspect of the Orc: They can literally, smell fear amongst other Orcs and they also benefit from upswells in the pheromones.

But, they still remain violent, aggressive, and expansive. The current state of Affairs i nthe region is such that within a hundred years, Orc technology will have broken into the industrial revolution. As I've mentioned previously, the ORcs are now making firearms in larger quantities. These are still akin to handcannon and EARLY Musket, and are fairly rare, but the Orcs also excel at making steel, and are well into blast furnaces and reduction of cast iron into high carbon steel.

So why are the Orcs doing so bad? The Bogardun cult, the fire worshippers. Their nutjob religion of utter domination, to the point of destroying anything, took a deep hold in a large portion of the pre-desert Orc civilization and caused what was a remarkably modern culture to undergo massive internal war, devastating their homeland and trigger mass exodus. The Orcs in the region are seperated by a sahara-esque desert, and are terra incognita for my purposes: no one has been there.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:02 pm
by Bonefish
I'm kickign an Idea around about introducing internal combustion powered walker engines to this. Not sure if it takes it too far into the "crazy" land, but I really do keep wanting to do it.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 6:19 am
by AtemHutlrt
This is really good stuff. Were you thinking about this as a real-life campaign, an internet thing, or are you just building a setting to be used for whatever?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:55 pm
by Bonefish
I honestly couldn't tell you what it is. I've been re-thinking the setting, and I kind of want to mix it up.

Ok, the religion is that of the Celestials, the belief that all the people came from a Celestial Ship that sailed between the stars. This ship carried the Shipborn(or Shipborne) to Immoria. Amongst the Pilots, the Odur, the legends say that they chose this world after the ships engineers, the dori, failed to maintain the ship. The Dori claim that the Odur failed in their navigation, and that only the actions of the Dori saved the ship from complete destruction.

As it is, the ship lay in ruins, scattered across the world. The Odur have claimed the largest, while the Dori have scavanged and pillaged any sites they have been able to. The Odur do not permit non Odur to visit the sacred sites, and enforce this on pain of death.

The Allemanni, men, are said to have been birthed by the great and powerful remains of the ship, for even its dust and ash was still bound by the ancient engineers of the gods. They make up the majority of the human races in Aloria, Alannia, Valusia and Kwayzim, while the Old Valusians are distinct and known for long lives and the health of their line. They are distinct from the Khazari and Orcs genetically, and are not cross-fertile.

The dust of the ship remains, and it is self aware and capable, but the allemanni have an innate pacifying and commanding ability over dust. Odur can study and eventually master dust, but the dust is benign to even the youngest allemanni, and the greatest Dustlords can command seas of swirling black ash that flays the armor and flesh from a man.

The Orcs are the original inhabitants of the world, and are a bit... strange. Throw away the idea of orc sex: orcs are assexual. What you see as Orcs are only the most juvenile stage of a very long lived life form: after a hundred years or so, they will become sedentary, and begin to resemble trees, after a fashion. Their orcish features will largely be lost over time as the grow into large, fruit bearing trees. Those fruit are future Orcs!

Still get to keep the brutality and communalism of Orcs, but now they have a tree-worshiping style to them, and this can tie into some religious practices, such as sacrifices of meat to the trees to enhance the blooming of more orcs.

Over-all tech level is going up, to something akin to an alternate 1910-20, with a major exception: gunpowder works radically different. Smokeless powder hasn't been invented yet, and blackpowder is much more volatile, explosive and unreliable. Early firearms exploded in fantastic amounts, but the results were impressive. Over time, use of lower powder charges and better mechanics lead to the adoption of repeating rifles, but their power is remarkably lower than would have been the case historically.

A result of this is that armor, once rendered obsolete due to the ability of the musket to penetrate it at long ranges, is now more capable of holding up to early firearms, and with improved steel by their industrial society, it's possible to manufacture very fine quality steel at very low prices, allowing much more plate armor to exist. The shorter ranges and damage values of the mroe reliable, don't blow up in your face guns don't quite offsetthe ability of a body of armored men to assault.

Explosives technology really took off, though applications to use as propellants have been met with dismal success. Early blackpowder cannons were joined by steam powered cannons projecting explosive shells, with less internal risk. Great armored wagons mounting steam engines and carrying cannon became frequent in the wars of the time, though they were not themselves powdered and were drawn by oxen, horse or men. The ability of fortifications to mount rapid firing steam cannon and the danger of using uncertain blackpowder cannons has resulted in a somewhat stymied and stalemated political situation, with the verge of a great war looming.

Like I said, it's a weird mish-mash of 19th century firearms(underpowered, however), with big bore revolver pistols being used in close combat, along side axes, swords and plate armor. Mail and plate armor protect well against the fragmentation of explosive shells, and most of the heavier rifles are tested to penetrate plate beyond 100yds(due to some magic effect, we can call it. Stroke of GM). Some powered vehicles(the east has primitive cars), TRAINS. Iron clads on the oceans.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 9:53 am
by Bonefish
Returning to the Orcs and their nature, think of an Orc as an adolescent or larval form of the mature organism, let's call it the Orcwort tree. Orcs are "born" as fruit that are dropped from the trees, and while they are somewhat ambulatory, they are also cared for by the older Orcs. In "old age"(Orcs don't seem to age after a certain threshold, and unless killed become larger and stronger as they survive) an Orc will dig itself a grave, even at it's most instinctual level, and begin to germinate as the seed of the Orcwort. OrcWorts grow for many years, and retain sapience(though they often talk of the long dream between when they entered the soil and when they awoke to "see" the sun. They communicate to the Orcs via pheromones(also explaining why Orcs are so repulsive to Allemanni) and serve as a vault of ancestral knowledge.

Orcwort are carnivorous, and their ambulatory offspring feed them to aid thei re-awakening, with deprived orcwort being quite demented and mentally challenged, as well as inferior or infrequent fruit. Large, successful colonies of Orcwort, tended by many Orcs can be coaxed to grow together vast structures, increasing in age and complexity. The most extensive Orcwort cities are found among the Forest orcs, though all Orcs have a sedentary life, greatly eclipsing that of their former life.

Orcs who die violently do not seed, but instead swell and release blooms of spores, which quickly infect other organisms with a fungal, thingie, that eventually establishes a sort of emphatic bond with the organisms and orcs. A few creatures I've been thinking of:

Juggernauts: Massive four-legged animals resembling a cross between a bear and elephant. Their fore limbs have massive paws with the capability of clumsy manipulation, while large and fearsome tusks provide effected deterrence of predators. Domesticated, these serve as organic tractors, much like elephants.

Allicats: Combining feline grace and agility with the strength and power of an alligator, Allicats are a fearsome semi-aquatic predatory species of the many rivers and seas of Immoria. The head, neck and shoulders of a typical allicat is encased in a thick, interlocking armor of bone and scale that provides considerable protection to the allicat, even against firearms.

Mantis Lions: Fearsome predators of the plains, Mantis Lions are large insect like monsters with six pairs of limbs, the first pair developed into powerful striking and pinning appendages, similar to a mantis. They are not "true" invertabrates, as their torso does contain an internal skeleton, with their limbs being somewhat replacable and rapidly replaced, given an adequte supply of food. Mantis Lions are members of hives, and there are noted mantis lion "castes"(such as a maned version that drives the smaller, non maned mantis berserk), though the ferocity and numbers of these grave threats are serious, even to a well equipped force.

Bonelords: Bonelords are one of the most terrifying predators of Immoria, for while they may seem to be the only natural predator of Orcs capable of checking their growth, Bonelords are not picky about their prey. A mature bonelord is not one, but many creatures who form a symbiotic partnership, after a parasitic incubation in a host. Additionally, a fungal growth similar to orcspore is produced by Bonelords, and it drives those infected mad with intense hunger and aggression. This is particularly terrifying to orcs, as Bonelords may infiltrate their orcwort colonies and using their fungal spores convince parts of their colony that the bonelord is beneficial. This can include vast miasma of saphoric pheromones, while the vicious bonelords stalk their hapless prey.

Oh, the Allemanni. Let's talk about them, they have three main variants: Common, Noble and Eros. Common Allemanni are human in appearence, but decidedly so, with remarkable sexual dimorhpism. Allemanni men have muscular, powerful bodies, tolerance of pain but also over confident and proud. The women are lithe and agile, curvacious, with pleasing voices and a somewhat demure, shy manner. All Allemanni would be considered "attractive", at the least.

Noble Allemanni are where the plot thickens, because not only are they very intelligent, healthy and agile, they have pheromones that other, non Noble Allemanni are susceptible to(with the exception of the Eros). Eros are slender, very attractive members of either sex, who are somewhat resistant to Noble pheromones, and capable of exerting sexual pheromones that all Allemanni are susceptible to.

During early childhood, Allemanni of different "breeds" are very similar, with species differentation occuring at puberty. This also means that not every noble=noble pairing generates nobles. Non Nobles CANNOT command Nobles(imagine trying to boss a guy or gal who can make you have puppy dog like loyalty or the most intense sexual arousal you've ever had. Or terror), But Eros can exter a great deal of influence over nobles. Genealogy is very important to the Allemanni, and Eros are prone to strategic marriages between families.

The Kwarzhim are a long lived race, with a regal and attractive bearing. In their youth they are physically powerful, agile and robust. Their athleticism cannot be questioned and they are brave to a man. But as they age, their youthful strength will fade, but an uncanny wit and intelligence resides in their eyes, and they are known to live for hundreds of years, if an unnatural death doesn't over take them.

Additionally, there are people, "men" as it were, who are given no name, but seen as outcasts from the these races. They are essentially identical to what a normal human would be, and they are a poorly respected race.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:12 am
by Bonefish
What about the Odur and Dori? Well, they're Elder Races, and they're both somewhat isolationist.

The Dori are short, stocky and have a curious fluid gait, resulting from a great deal of natural flexibility: a dori can bend his elbow the "wrong" way and feel no discomfort. They are extremely healthy and long lived, but they are not pretty, with thick, wrinkly skin. They are secretive and dwell in high mountain valleys, or so people say: no one living can say they have traveled to the heartland of the Doran lands. Dori are accompanied by terrifying mechanical engines of great complexity, often resembling large, idealize versions of Dori. The dori rarely engage in trade, though they often offer great sums for the right to mine a particular area. Many people can account a firsthand encounter with a Doran, but few have seen them more than once a lifetime.

The Odur are somewhat less mysterious, and rather often seen. however, they are feared for their fickle ways and arrogance, as well as their great power. The Thunderlances of odur warriors can lay waste to entire towns and castles, and they are inscrutable. And where Dori will offer rewards for Ship artifacts, the Odur will just try to steal them, and don't mind a bit of violence(or a lot). There are peaceful encounters with Odur, in cases where they wish to bargain for dust expertise from the Allemanni, or when they are obviously outclassed(which takes a lot).

Odur are tall, thin and seemingly frail, but they seem to be made of dense bone, rather than flesh. Their bodies are covered with non organic implants of arcane purposes. They are effectively immortal, and no one has ever seen a young one, though they have been known to change as they accquire different implants. These implants are typically performed with an Allemanni as a participant due to the control over the dust(which, if you haven't guessed, are nano-swarms) used to create the implants.

The Odur claim the majority of vast sections of the ship that crashed upon immoria, and non but Odur visit them. The Odur have two divisions: Noldur, ice-sailers, and Soldur, nomadic horsemen of the steppe. Visually, both are very similar, with Soldur having less in the way of metallic items.

By the way, Odur? They're not even considered playable, except in the most high powered setting here. They are essentially androids with limited access to really powerful technology like lasers and railguns.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:39 am
by Bonefish
I guess what I'm going for is "science punk fantasy".

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 2:39 am
by Bonefish
The new direction:

Never forget that we came from the stars, child. We were not born in this world, we came from the great Ship. For countless ages, that ship plyed the sea of stars and we slumbered and berthed aboard the great ship of the stars, alongside the ancient Navigators and Wrights. We came to this world, and found it as a fallow garden.

Our people multiplied and spread across the world in our fasion, and in time, great empires and kingdoms were born under the watchful eyes of the Elders who still stayed aboard the great ship, and only rarely came among us. And the world proved bountiful, and all manner of things came to be in what had been a barren and desolate land.

The bliss of those times was broken when the mightiest of the realms, Unnay and Ur came to blows. The cause of that ancient rift is known to none, though many diverse people each put forth different myths and legends relating to that great and terrible war. Great among the warriors of that time were the paladins of Kolfur, but their equal was found in the Lions of the West, and the wars and battles of those times were beyond our knowing. It is said that each paladin bore with him a great and shining lance that struck with the power of thunder, while the Lions were unmatched in ferocity and their bows spoke as the rain, which crumbles all hills and erases the might of man.

and even amidst this war, did the first of the Mkodo, or Uruk, or beasts come amongst us. Frome dark forests and fell mountain valleys, a great tied of beast men, or men like beasts came and it was as inexhaustible as the tide. The great empires were cast down, and man fled the plains and fields, and dwelt in unknown horror of the newcomers. And we prayed to the almighty and two the Elders dwelling in the sky, amidst the stars.

And a great fire came from the heavens, which we at first took for our salvation, for it smote the hordes of the Mkodo and rent their mountain havens apart. But many, also, were the dwelling places of men ravaged, and the light of the ship disappeared. For the elder, wright and navigator had quarreled over the course of the war with the mkodo, and in their strife the great ship was cast upon the hard rocks of the mountains and broken apart.

Dark have been those days, and darkest the night. For the Navigators, the Oder have become fell and dangerous, and have gathered to the sites where the greatest wreckage of the ship cam to earth, and they ban all others from their dwellings. The ancient wrights, the Dorani, have almsot disappeared from the world, their dwellings unknown, hidden behind mountains or across terrible seas and guarded by a mysterious power.

But we have survived, and not only that, we have thrived, filled our refuges and then struck back against the tide of the Mkodo, drivign them back into dark and tangled forests or high and desolate mountain valleys. What we have lost, we are rapidly regaining. But our might and knowing is not equal to those elder days, before the Shipfall, the Cataclysm, and many of their ways are lost.

Of the nations of Man there are many, but not all are known to me. Greatest is the kingdom of my childhood, Valeria. Our people are strong and willful to resist the domination of others, but respectful and obedient to our great Guardians, our nobles who rule our land. Our king is powerful and commands the respect and service of all in the realm, his Royal Guard being vast and well ordered. Valerian steel is respected in all markets, and our knowledge of the power of steam and fire unmatched.

Valeria is washed by the great Sea in the east, across which our sailors conduct a lively trade with the Kwahzeem empire and others byond them. In the west we are bound by the Strife mountains where the Kriegheimers endure the high cold in the great stone keeps, and to the North dwell our cousins the Alans. To our south live the Alemanni upon a vast plain that fades to the steppes of Khazaria.

The Alans are much like us in bearing and appareance, save they tend for a greater height and fairness of hair. Our kingdoms are linked by ancient bonds of blood and shared ancestry, but the Alans dwell in a high upland that is chill and windwhipped. They have kings, many of them, with a High King elected from amongst the greatest of their nobles. But clannishness and rivalry are their chief occupation and so their land is poorer and their goods simpler and cruder than those of Valeria.
