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[Gathering 2003] New Spangly Option 2.0

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2003 6:40 pm
by MooCow
Just an update on this option. I called Hayes, and talked to them briefly. Here's what they told me.

1. They will only rent out the whole week. The lady said no discounts at all. If someone has a silver tongue, and thinks they can talk them into it, please let us know.

2. They are booking up fast. The only cabins they have left are 9, 10, 14, 15. To make this a viable option we need at least 10 and 14. The bigger cabins go faster.

If we decide this is what we want to do, we're going to have to make a move on it ASAP. That means we are going to need money. I'd like to ask those of you who are sure you will go, regardless of where it's at, to start getting your money in. I know that's asking alot, but that way we can make a reservation as soon as we decide what we want to do. I'm keeping detailed records of who gave me what and when (as is Jestyr), so if the actuall cost ends up being less you will get an appropriate refund.

Re: [Gathering 2003] New Spangly Option 2.0

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2003 8:55 pm
by Eva
MooCow wrote:I'd like to ask those of you who are sure you will go, regardless of where it's at, to start getting your money in.
Can I get a quote?

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2003 9:21 pm
by MooCow
Duh. right.... Cost is a good thing.

I'm going to say $120/person + $30 flat fee for private room. That's how much Hayes would cost for Cabins 10, 14, 15. Plan B and Plan C are cheaper, but I'd like to be prepared for the most expensive alternative.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 6:06 pm
by Tryyng
wait, plans b and c are cheaper, and spangly's still 7 hours farther away?


well, i'm going, no matter if you guys decide to have it there or not. plus, with this whole "idiot hitting my car" thing, i should have money to pay my downpayment within a week.

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 7:00 pm
by MooCow
wait, plans b and c are cheaper, and spangly's still 7 hours farther away?
Have you actually looked at the plans? None of these plans is particularly good. They all have major problems. If you have a better suggestion we'd like to hear it. But so far all you've done is point out the flaws in everyone elses plan.

BTW, you do realize it will cost you more to drive to indy than it will to fly to wisconsin don't you?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:38 pm
by Jestyr
Tryyng wrote:wait, plans b and c are cheaper, and spangly's still 7 hours farther away?
Also note that Moo was giving a rough estimate of price. Right now, there are very few people who've made a firm commitment to be there, and we have no solid idea of the numbers we're looking at. Once we know better how many people are going to be there, we can better calculate the cost, and deliver refunds as appropriate.

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 6:41 pm
by Liniah
MooCow wrote:
BTW, you do realize it will cost you more to drive to indy than it will to fly to wisconsin don't you?

I don't know where you get your tickets, Moo, but I'd love to find out.

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2003 6:46 pm
by MooCow
I don't know where you get your tickets, Moo, but I'd love to find out.
I get them through AAA. I can could get a flight from Salisbury to Chicago/Milwaukee/etc for around $200. At $.36/mile (DOT estimates on car efficency) it costs about $250 to drive from Salisbury to Indianapolis. That cost would be greater if your car is older or in poor repair.

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2003 2:59 pm
by Tryyng
sorry. but i did like c plan. and i don't enjoy flying, or generally being seperated from my car. i've got a bit of an attachment to Hal and the mobility he gives me. i have been bitching with no contribution.

if there's any sarcasm in this, i haven't been to sleep in nearly a day, and at this point my asshole meters are out the roof. slate it down to that, cause i've honestly tried my best to word this well. i appreciate the work you guys have been doing, i just have this fun tendancy to casually take people for granted if i'm not paying attention.