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The Gathering: 2004

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 4:47 am
by MissTeja
I wanted to post this. I know most may be thinking, "Um, a bit early for this, isn't it Tej?" I don't think so, though. Due to the fall-through of the Gathering 2003, and it pretty much ending up just becoming a culmunation of GenCon and various mini-gatherings, I think it might be wise to start the process early. Next summer will be upon us before we realize and some early planning can help ensure a successful Gathering for nex year. Plus, it will give us abundant time to guarantee reservations, predict costs, and schedule vacaton time. So, if we use our time wisely enough, I really think that we can make it one hell of a gathering. I've even been toying with a few ideas of fundraisers of a special nature that could be possible to have with such a spread-out community. I will post more of that when I have more information. So, providing you all do not think I'm suffering from a bout of insanity for posting this so early, do any of you have any brainstorm ideas for the Gathering 2004?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 5:42 am
by Jestyr
I say schedule it in Indianapolis for a few days before or after GenCon itself - before would most likely be better. Almost all Gathering attendees would be going to GenCon anyway, so they'll all be heading to Indy. The hotels aren't that expensive; with four to a room you wind up paying $40 a night or less. It's a good time and situation for a gathering, and it'll improve the GenCon experience too (since we won't all be trying to cram a pseudo-gathering into a gaming event). Plus it means those of us who have stuff to do at GenCon other than socialize (the Shadowrun Tourney; working booths; game company meetings) don't miss out on seeing everyone.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 6:10 am
by Thorn
Not too early for planning, for the record - this makes sense, I say.

I think Jes's idea is a good one. Unless we're able to find a similar resort-y situation to Hayes, where our living costs will be eensy if we go there, just staying in Indy makes the most sense. Besides, from the little wandering I did, it seems an interesting burg to go exploring in.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 6:35 am
by MooCow
Besides, from the little wandering I did, it seems an interesting burg to go exploring in.
Exploring? We know where the bar is, what more do we need? :D
I say schedule it in Indianapolis for a few days before or after DrinkCon itself -
Great idea. I love it. At least the before part. Before DrinkCon is best.
The hotels aren't that expensive; with four to a room you wind up paying $40 a night or less
Embassy Suites baby!!!

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 7:42 am
by Anguirel
Thorn wrote:Besides, from the little wandering I did, it seems an interesting burg to go exploring in.
From the lots of wandering I did in the month or so I was there outside of GenCon, it is a very nice city and well worth wandering. I can also do a little research on possible semi-close places for a Gathering, though I highly recommend we all just go to MooCow's and sleep there for a week and then carpool the short jaunt from Chicago to Indy. It's probably cheaper to fly to Chicago anyways. And MooCow won't mind as long as we keep him to drunk to notice. :D Besides, then we could go do Drunken 'Drekker Whirley Ball and use the Battle Tech simulators.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 7:55 am
by MooCow
And MooCow won't mind as long as we keep him to drunk to notice.
"Hey, why are all you people in my house?" "Have another shot" "Oh thanks. Now I was asking..." "Have another shot" *Repeat until many shots later* "Now what was it I was gonna ask someone?" "I think it was something about the rum..."
Besides, then we could go do Drunken 'Drekker Whirley Ball and use the Battle Tech simulators.
God, that would be fun. I think we have a plan. Except for the "everyone crash at Moo's place" part.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 8:43 am
by Jestyr
Anguirel wrote:I can also do a little research on possible semi-close places for a Gathering
Nah. I vote we stay in downtown Indy itself, preferably the hotel(s) we'll be staying in for GenCon - er, DrinkCon. That way we don't have to move our asses out of one location and into another, nor do we have to worry about carpooling or anything else. Sides which, if we stay at the Embassy Suites for the Gathering, the amount of money we'll save on booze will make up for the cost of staying in a hotel anyway.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:06 am
by MooCow
FYI, Embassy Suites is still listing "Complimentary Drinks" as an amenity.

*MooCow shakes his head*

Will they never learn?

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:44 am
by Jestyr
"Tragedy strikes Gathering 2009 when the Embassy Suites finally wise up and cut off free drinks!"

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:57 am
by MooCow
"Tragedy strikes Gathering 2009 when the Embassy Suites finally wise up and cut off free drinks!"

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 1:47 pm
by Wildfire
Well, great idea, unfortunatly same as last year, we're about 8 months too early for me to have any sort of commitment to going or not, I just don't have the money or the stability to be planning anything right now, heck Christmas plans are still real shaky. :)

That said, we have money in the bank so to speak if people want it used for gathering purposes. My only input as far as location would be trying to find a house or something fairly close to downtown, as GC will book all the hotels and with their silly housing thing, means there is about zero chance for us to get a block of rooms as a Bulldrek group. Heck, there is probably a very low chance of getting the same rooms for a week beforehand once Gencon allows you to pick a hotel. I don't know if that's feasible or cheaper if people start figuring drinks into account, but worth checking.

There's nothing saying we can't hop in a couple of cars and head to Chicago for a day anyways, its only about 3 hours (3 long boring hours where there exists but one McDonalds for anything of note, but only 3 hours)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 1:49 pm
by Adam
Dude, you pass <b>Gary, Indiana</b> on the way.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 1:52 pm
by MissTeja
Wildfire wrote:Well, great idea, unfortunatly same as last year, we're about 8 months too early for me to have any sort of commitment to going or not, I just don't have the money or the stability to be planning anything right now, heck Christmas plans are still real shaky. :)
Same here. I assumed as much with many folks. I just thought some early brain-storming for the who-what-where bit couldn't hurt too much. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 1:56 pm
by MooCow
My only input as far as location would be trying to find a house or something fairly close to downtown, as GC will book all the hotels and with their silly housing thing, means there is about zero chance for us to get a block of rooms as a Bulldrek group.
I disagree. I had /zero/ trouble booking three rooms in the Embassy Suites last year. Indy is nothing like Milwaukee was. Sure you still gotta be on the ball, but if you are ready to go when reservations open, you'll have no problem.

I also suspect there won't be a big problem reserving rooms before hand. Why couldn't we keep the same rooms? They don't assign rooms until the morning of, so as long as we talk to someone when we get there, it shouldn't be a problem. "Hi we have room X reserved under Person X for the first part of the week. We also have a reservation for Person Y for this weekend. Can we just ensure that Person Y gets Room X? Thanks."

The only thing to keep in mind is room assignments are done at like 4am. Someone just has to be on the phone at 4am to get it done. No prob. I'll take care of it. I'm ussually up then anyways.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:19 pm
by Instant Cash
If most people will be there for over 6 days you might want to look into extended stay hotels. Kara and I stayed in one that was $300 for 7 days.

Much more cost effective and you also get a fridge to store any liquor and a microwave to heat up leftovers in the morning.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:29 pm
by Cash
I'm up for it. Just let all of us know ahead of time. I have Scout camp the first or second week in August. DrinkCon is (in theory) August 19-22, 2004.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 11:41 pm
by Serious Paul

That said, I'm in. Just give me hard dates, and I will give cash. If I can help just let me know. I have a nice bloody ball bat somewhere I ain't used in at least a week.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:31 am
by Jestyr
If GC is 19-22 August, we'd probably want to look at the Gathering being from Saturday 14 August to Wednesday 18th.

Booking the hotel won't be a problem, Wild - as far as I know, GenCon doesn't block out any of the hotels *before* the con, because virtually no-one arrives for it before the Wednesday anyway. So booking for the Saturday through Tuesday nights should be easy as pie. I just did a search on for 14-18 August and there were rooms available. So, we're all good.

And, to be honest, given the fact that the Embassy Suites are cheap and we're going to be saving quite a lot in alcohol costs, I'd say that even if we find somewhere "resorty" to stay, the hotel would still be comparable in cost and way ahead in convenience.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:55 am
by Wildfire
Never went through GC's room thing, so didn't know how far in advance the open, if GC's housing committee set the rooms, or just said to the hotel 'you have X number of rooms booked' or what. If you guys want to commit to hotel then, I'd actually suggest seeing what suites and business rooms they have that might come under the GC housing so as to not switch rooms, a little more space for hanging around or a little more space for those of us who most certainly can't afford a 4 way split on a hotel room for a week would be good :)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:17 am
by Patience
Wildfire wrote:There's nothing saying we can't hop in a couple of cars and head to Chicago for a day anyways, its only about 3 hours (3 long boring hours where there exists but one McDonalds for anything of note, but only 3 hours)
Yes, head to Chicago! Then I can hitch a ride back with you all and be part of the DRINKING!

oh, such drinking. :wideeyes :D

(Unless Jim or Moo is heading down that way, in which case, never mind. :) )

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:40 am
by Jestyr
I don't think you have to worry about Moo not going. :) And if Jim doesn't we'll be very cross with him. (Hear that, Jim?)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:55 am
by MooCow
I don't think you have to worry about Moo not going
Miss DrinkCon?!?! Giant Space Hamsters couldn't keep me away!
And if Jim doesn't we'll be very cross with him.
Damn straight he better make it. We need him to keep the rest of us alive. He's like responsible and shit.
Unless Jim or Moo is heading down that way, in which case, never mind.
Oh sure, just invite yourself along. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 11:02 am
by Jestyr
MooCow wrote:He's like responsible and shit.
Really? I figured he was just trying to fool us.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 11:46 am
by MooCow
Really? I figured he was just trying to fool us.
Well, lets put it this way. When the rest of us were stumbling drunk (Steve, Nex, Kawaii), falling out of chairs (Moo), trying to investigate steam grates in the middle of the street (Flak), puking (Toon), etc etc, Jim was just heavily buzzed. And playing "Herd the Bulldrekkers".

Thus, compared to the rest of us, he's responsible. Now that I think about it, that isn't really saying much. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 11:50 am
by MooCow
Miss DrinkCon?!?!
I just looked at my own post, and read that in the same context as "Miss America" or "Miss World" or something. That's what we need next year, a "Miss DrinkCon". It'll get awarded to the drunkest person each night, to be worn the next night. Actually being a "Miss" is, of course, optional.

*MooCow starts practicing his acceptance speech*

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 2:33 pm
by Sade
Does Embassy have extended stay suites? Cause there is really no other hotel in indy.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 3:09 pm
by Instant Cash
Wow, you all sure have a sick fasination with embassy huh?


Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 3:23 pm
by DV8
I think it's the free alcohol, Ice.


Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 3:34 pm
by Kai
MooCow wrote:It'll get awarded to the drunkest person each night, to be worn the next night. Actually being a "Miss" is, of course, optional.
Images of a beer tab crown come to mind, though I don't think many beers actually have those tabs anymore.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 3:38 pm
by Sade
Instant Cash wrote:Wow, you all sure have a sick fasination with embassy huh?

First off you say "freaks" like it's a bad thing!

And secondly ... Embassy is Fuckin Yoda man! It allows for a much needed start for the night of debauchery!

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:23 pm
by FlakJacket
Exactly! Spend a couple hours or so get nicely buzzed and just socialising in the early evening - for nothing no less - and that still then leaves you the option of either getting something to eat, and thus sobering up, or carry on with the consumption of alcohol with the meal and get totally rat arsed by the end of the night.

And Sade, if you add the tag

before your signature in your profile, but change the [ and ] to < and >, you get the little divider bar that seperates it from the main text. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:47 pm
by Sade
Thanks Flak!

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:49 pm
by Salvation122
Screw you guys. Looks like classes will probably conflict. Again. :mad

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:58 pm
by Sade
Salvation122 wrote:Screw you guys. Looks like classes will probably conflict. Again. :mad
Blow them off learning is a daily experience ... and while drinking might be a daily experience as well, doing so with us is much more rare!

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:31 pm
by Patience
MooCow wrote:
Unless Jim or Moo is heading down that way, in which case, never mind.
Oh sure, just invite yourself along. :D
Damn skippy. I learn quickly. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:37 pm
by Adam
As always, my participation in events so close to a major convention depends on how busy I am working at that time.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:48 pm
by Instant Cash
Sade wrote:
Instant Cash wrote:Wow, you all sure have a sick fasination with embassy huh?

First off you say "freaks" like it's a bad thing!

And secondly ... Embassy is Fuckin Yoda man! It allows for a much needed start for the night of debauchery!
Actually I am still baulkiing at the whole $150 a night thing.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:53 pm
by Sade
Instant Cash wrote:
Actually I am still baulkiing at the whole $150 a night thing.
Oh yeah your the non-drinking cash aren’t you? I guess you don't see the savings ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:26 pm
by Anguirel
Instant Cash wrote:If most people will be there for over 6 days you might want to look into extended stay hotels. Kara and I stayed in one that was $300 for 7 days.
I know there are a few hotels dedicated to long-term stays right next to that area, mainly for the State Legislature (which should be out of session at the time, meaning those places will be looking for business). IIRC, the ones my aunt recommended were just north of the State House, which itself was just north of the Convention Ceneter. Which, granted, is a slightly longer walk than from the Embassy Suites, but it's also a prettier walk. ;) I'll likely end up staying with my aunt again if I go, but if anyone is less interested in drinking or more interested in long-term stays and lower costs I can try to get names and numbers for the closest ones.

Sidenote: Given their relative placement, I think they'd be really close to the Zoo, the IMAX theater, the canal and a few parks, all of which could be fun places to visit.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:12 pm
by Jestyr
Instant Cash wrote:baulking at the whole $150 a night thing.
Well, that's for a suite - one bedroom with a queen-sized (or king-sized?) bed, and one living room with a foldaway sofa/bed and a couple of arm chairs. You can fit four people into a suite without too many problems - it's not spacious, but it's better than the four-people-to-a-*room* that GenCon attendees usually do. It certainly wouldn't be any more crowded than we all were at Hayes.

So with four people in the suite you're looking at less than $40 a night.

I mean, our other alternative is to see if we can find somewhere as cheap as Hayes was, and book that - or book Hayes itself, in fact. However, that means we need a number of committed attendees who have *paid their money* by early 2004, and gee, we saw how well that worked last time, didn't we?

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:38 pm
by Sade
And I don't know about the rest of you but I would rather pack people into my room (assuming I can swing going) to bring down costs. a room is really just a place to crash for a few hours a night for me.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:40 pm
by Szechuan
Kai wrote:
MooCow wrote:It'll get awarded to the drunkest person each night, to be worn the next night. Actually being a "Miss" is, of course, optional.
Images of a beer tab crown come to mind, though I don't think many beers actually have those tabs anymore.
I think they do in Canada. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:41 pm
by Wildfire
Heh, $280 for a week isn't exactly my idea of cheap either ;)

Ang, I'd definity be interested in efficiency costs, I don't think I could possibly drink enough to make up the monetary difference if an entire effeciency is $300 for the week versus $280 a week for one bed spot in a room.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 10:43 pm
by 3278
Well, here's my suggestion: start researching, and researching hard, right now. We looked for places in the area before, so we should have a start. A resort would be nice, definitely, because it allows us "noise-space," our own area where we can be loud-ish without getting shushed by the hotel staff, and without bothering people around us. So let's see if we can't find one, and move from there. There's always the hotel, if there just isn't a resort we like or can afford.

[edit: I'm not saying this idly, either; I have access to AAA information that isn't public, so I'll be getting with them this week to see what I can turn up.]

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 11:57 pm
by Jestyr
Wildfire wrote:Heh, $280 for a week isn't exactly my idea of cheap either ;)
Well, I'd say that - unless you're not planning in staying in a hotel for GenCon - it's not really accurate to include GenCon night costs in your calculations. If we're talking about just the Gathering, it'd be four nights, $160. Still not brilliant, I agree, but given the prices for resorts that we saw last year when trying to organize Gathering 2003, it's the same sort of order of magnitude.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 12:01 am
by 3278
Four nights, US$160, a nice suite and free booze? Seems cheap to me.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 2:18 am
by Sade
3278 wrote:Four nights, US$160, a nice suite and free booze? Seems cheap to me.
See that's what I'm talkin bout! Hell I know that seems about right just for the fuckin booze for 4 nights! Just think of it as a free place to crash :)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:06 am
by Kai
Well, no, in the interest of wanting to hang out with the rest of you nuts, I'm willing to go a little more expensive, but honestly if I treated GC as any other con and not semi-Gathering? Cheap hotel, 7-9 people, bring it under $75 for the event for room.

But there's no guarentees I'll even be there, I'd just like a chance for it to be a little more affordable, and a little more accesible for anyone wanting to visit for a day or two, hotels don't much like people hanging out in their lobbies all day.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 8:29 pm
by Instant Cash
Sade wrote: Oh yeah your the non-drinking cash aren’t you? I guess you don't see the savings ;)
I don't drink? Shit! Why didn't anyone tell me this? My liver would be much happier.

I understand the rate thing isn't /that/ bad, but that is if you split it with 4 people.

In my room it will more than likely be me and Jaded. I love you all dearly, but I would rather not lock you out of the room for long periods of time. And no, you can't join. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:16 pm
by Sade
well then who the fuck is the cash that doesn't drink? Cali-boy does, you do ... is there another one? Or did you just not drink one night and I was too drunk to interpret your reason for not drinking ... either way. your situation is special! are there other people who have Spousal-like limbs?

by the way love the sig ... it was a great speach :)