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Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 1:21 pm
by MooCow
*MooCow hurls a snowball at Flameblade from their side of the fence*

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 5:00 pm
by Kai
FWIW, I was going with Eli's timeline there, I really was simply trying to tie Vanessa and Grieg back in after we accelerated the timeframe way too fast there. From what I understood of his post, he saved Diane in whatever way and had remained on the ship unnoticed with her, and Eros had somehow planted a decoy on the outbound ship that everyone could chase.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:18 am
by FlameBlade
Unless there's no objection...then let's keep up this project! :)

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:21 am
by Ancient History
If I have stepped on anyone's toes yet, let me know.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:59 am
by MissTeja
Ancient - You're good, dude. I think everyone just got kinda nuts due to the confusion, on all of our parts.

Okay, so this is my deal - I'm still a bit lost. There are so many different ends of the story, and different understandings of what's going on within each of those sections, that I keep starting to try to write up my current turn regarding certain characters, but before I can get too far into it, I've already forgotten what's going on in the many other areas. It's making it difficult for me. This, possibly, could just be my own personal writing weakness, but I've spoken to others and confusion about the storyline is still evident amongst us.

So, what I'd like to ask is for Eli or Kai if they would be willing to make an out-of-turn post tying the multiple storylines into a smaller amount to make it easier for us to continue. If this is out of the question, that's totally cool, because I know y'all wanted to keep true to the rules, but I know for me, at least, it'd really help. If you'd rather keep it how we are currently, I ask then that you allow me to pass my turn. By next round, I will hopefully be of better understanding and consensual interpretation.

Sorry if I'm being a pain! Thanks, though, guys. :) Just lemme know.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:39 am
by Eliahad
I would be happy to make an out of turn post, I'll get working on it, and if there are no objections by tomorrow morning, I'll put it up :)

[edit: Alright, I lied, I just cranked out two and a half pages and Damned if I was going to have to throw it out. I hope, I hope that I haven't stepped on anyone's toes. If I have, then I will go back and edit. I have tried to stay as true as possible to everyone's interpretations and posts up until this point. All I really wanted to do was give a definite mark of here's the stuff that's happening simultaneously. So here we are, all of the events in my post have happened at the same time and we can choose where to go from there.

That being said, I think we need to be more careful readers, both of our own posts before we post them and other posts before we write our own. I know that I have missed a couple details on occasion and I know I can do better. This also means we have to be careful in our motion through time. IF it seems like some character have looseends to tie up before a future event happens (for example, Grieg and Summers still being on the Cruiser before they end up on the Mother of Skies (now a Moot point)) then maybe it's better to pass than carry on. Regardless, things have a set point now, and I think now that more characters can interact with each other we might get back on track.

Well, there it is.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:07 pm
by Ancient History
Good stuff, E.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 8:11 pm
by Eliahad
Aw, thanks AH. *wuffles*

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:11 am
by FlameBlade
I'll echo Ancient History here.

Good stuff, Eli.

Now, whose turn is it? Teja?

And also, we need to, perhaps, establish one more rule to ensure that we don't get too out of control at times, leaving everyone else lost, ya know?


Maybe, if we slowed down a bit...hmmm...

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 4:55 pm
by MissTeja
Sweet! Thank you so much Eli. I didn't want to piss off anyone by asking for that, but I really thought it was needed. It is my turn now and I will have something up by tonight. Wait for my ding. Heh.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 5:58 pm
by MissTeja
Okay, DING!

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 10:22 pm
by Eliahad
That would be Reika's turn!

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 12:11 am
by Reika
And it would be whomever is after me now. ;)

Hope you guys don't mind the twist I added, I couldn't resist. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 2:27 am
by Kai
Me, and very nice I must say.

(Yay for Eros having a purpose!)

Ding :)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:18 am
by Eliahad
In the interests of everyone involved, I've decided to also take control of Diana and start revealing the reason why everyone is after her.

Ogion, of course, is the Wizard who taught Ged the Archmage in Ursula K. LeGuin's Earthsea Triology. Anyone who has read those books knows what happened to Ged when he read a particular volume from Ogion's collection. I'm supplanting a part of that mythology here. Part of my reasoning is that people would have to work pretty hard to want to keep this seemingly innocent girl in custody. I figured she had some knowledge that would be immensly valuable. Or maybe she was a weapon.

Either way, I've decided she was a Wizard, the only one of her kind. On an archeolgical dig on Ea she found the old dusty tome that Ged had read such a long time ago and gained understanding of the mystical energies. Does it fit the science? No. But perhaps this is the reason why she's so popular with well, everyone. She's an Anamoly of a different sort.

If this is far too implausible, I can just make it so she's schizo I have that option. Let me know :)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 3:04 pm
by FlameBlade
Give me some time... :)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 3:13 pm
by Eliahad
Let me also state that she's a wizard in the Earthsean sense of the word. She must know something's truename to be truly effective, and that gets more difficult as she remains away from Ea where this type of magic originated. Though not impossible because some truenames remain the same wherever you go. She doesn't, however, necessarily know this yet.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 10:00 pm
by Kai
Sounds good to me :) In case it wasn't terribly clear, Pantheon is a sort of a cross between Bab5 PsiCops and the Order's elite Esper guard. I have more plans for Eros and Esper history, but I can write that in later I think :)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:17 pm
by Reika
Eli - Is all cool, it's no worse than my making humanoid spiders that all have the "sameness" of features. ;)

And actually, that fits in quite nicely what I had in mind for the Arachnae.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 11:24 pm
by FlameBlade
Ding Dong!

Kai, then you'd best talk to me...regarding Espers, because at the moment, I'm just delving into the effect of Gas Belt on Espers, and how Espers use the Gas Belt to their advantage, especially on Mother of Skies.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 11:56 pm
by Kai
Oh just go with it, I can work anything in to history that you feel like creating there :)

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 3:05 am
by Ancient History

[/edit] I'm gonna section reads pretty piss poor.

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 1:36 am
by Reika
Ancient History, were Joe and Mia ramming the Mother of the Skies, or were they ramming the one that Eros, Grieg and the Spider on? Am slightly confused. ;)

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 3:16 am
by Ancient History
I don't know. I couldn't tell which ship got hit be the EMP bomb. So I aimed it at the bastards that orderd them to surrender. They had the iron triangle DeusExMachina, right?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 4:13 am
by FlameBlade
Read my post above in conjunction with Ancient History's post. It should be quite clear that that ship with Spark and Mind Blind is ramming Mother of the Skies at the moment...

EMP bomb hit Mother of the Skies, by the least I think. I'm too tired to think. I'm too pissed to think. I'm too everything to think.

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 1:14 pm
by FlameBlade
My apologies if I came off with a pissy fit. I assure that you guys have nothing do with it. I'm just in not that great mood at the time thanks to a class.

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2004 12:49 am
by MissTeja

Oh wait. Wrong game...


Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 9:08 pm
by Reika
I can't really formulate any thoughts on what I want to do, so I'm going to pass.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 9:46 pm
by Eliahad
Kai go! WHEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:09 am
by Kai
Why yes, I am off in my own little world, why do you ask? :7

Ding :)

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2004 6:27 pm
by Eliahad
Want to post, trying to work on a post. If anyone wants to continue the Mother of Skies half of the show, then go ahead, I don't see as any of that conflicting with what I have planned.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:01 am
by FlameBlade
I'll see what I can do about Mother of the Skies storyline tomorrow morning, in conjunction with my weekly creative writing exercise...

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:50 am
by FlameBlade
and so it came few days later. I took LONG time to think about it, and all consequences, etc, and I was being careful in trying to keep a lot of open ends out there for you all to play with.

Ancient History, it's your turn to continue this plot line.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:02 pm
by FlameBlade
And I just spoke to Eli. He said that he's having too much going on.

So as for Eli. "Pass"

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:30 am
by Ancient History
Okay. I might have taken too many liberties. Flame, I really hope I came across as impartial rather than a game of one-up-manship 'twixt Joe and Jacque. I left some room for him to survive.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:54 am
by FlameBlade
It's good to have both gone because it may come to a stalemate in essence and we kinda have Lloyd and Mia left. And this could be fun.

So many different directions we could go with Lloyd and Mia.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 2:24 am
by Reika
I'm sorry to do this, but I'm going to withdraw from the writing project (don't worry, I'm doing the same with the other). I haven't been very creative lately, and have lacked the whole "plays well with others" attitude that's needed for a project like this. Please feel free to continue to use my char in the story if you like.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 2:33 am
by FlameBlade
So the list is now this (for reference.)


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 4:05 am
by Kai
And one open slot. First reply takes it.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 5:44 am
by MissTeja
Next. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 3:09 pm
by Eliahad
Until further notice, I'm passing. I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in. Have fun guys, I'll be back soon enough.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:56 pm
by Kai
Okay Flame, tis you again, as Eli is passing, and we don't seem to be connected with you quite yet anyways :)

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 10:07 pm
by FlameBlade
Will get around to it. Thank gawd I just finished term paper and stuff like that. And also, it appears that Ancient History is taking a short haitu from internet. Soon as I'm done, I'll attempt to contact him, then if I haven't heard anything from him, then I'll give a go-ahead to you guys.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:10 am
by FlameBlade
*Ding, and I can't seem to find Ancient History's e-mail...

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 3:55 pm
by Eliahad
Flame: It's JOE, not Jon.

And can I go next? I'm ready now.

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 7:17 pm
by Kai
Please do, I really would rather not figure out how Greig and Eros and company get to everyone else all by my lonesome :)

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 11:12 pm
by FlameBlade
Eli: I know it's Joe, but somehow, I keep thinking Jon...sorry.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:16 am
by FlameBlade
I'm trying to figure out who would go next...considering that we skipped Kai and Teja.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 2:09 am
by Kai
Nah, we're just a tad out of order. AH, then Teja, then back to me, Eli, and then you :)

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 2:17 am
by FlameBlade
Considering how recently AH posted. It's Teja's turn.