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[Short Story] Beauty

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:56 pm
by Daki
There are two types of beauty in the world: those things that are naturally beautiful and those things that become beautiful. Long ago I discovered my meaning in life was to bring out the beauty in things. I could look at any person or thing and see the inherent beauty that was there. It took many years of schooling and practice to perfect my art and become what I am now…

An artist.

The plaque on the wall contains my medical degree and license but I have never considered myself a doctor. A “doctor” treats the sick. I take ugliness and all other affronts to beauty and, with my power, transform it into the perfect picture of beauty. People come from all over the world to feel my touch. I smile at each one as I look beyond the surface to what lay beneath. They have my word that I will bring out the beauty there no matter what.

Walking the streets of the city I feel myself grow ill. There is beauty there but it sparse in a sea of ugliness.

Beauty / Ugly
Ugly / Beauty
God does not create ugly things
I was created to finish God’s work

The words echo through my brain and I step into an alley to let me head clear. Night in the city is always chilly and the overcast sky brings no illumination to the alcove I stand in now. My hands are clenched so tight I feel bloody trickle down and mix with a puddle of standing water. Streetlights cast a shadow on the water and my blood seems to enhance the beauty there. Blood can do that. Blood is the flow that allows life and keeps the beauty alive. It is a wonderful thing.

I am startled by the loud thud of a man falling to the pavement from the dumpster he had been rooting in. The streetlight illuminates his dirty beard and marred face. My stomach wretches at the sight, it disgusts me. A flash of stained yellow… his teeth as he smiles and asks if I can spare some change.

“I can give you something much more than a few spare coins.” My hand touches his deeply lined brow and I feel the sting in my eyes. “If you will let me, I can give you something you have never had before. Something that will stay with you forever.” The tears fall freely from my eyes as I smile at the man and caress his face. He tries to recoil but my smile holds him firmly in place. “Let me give you beauty. Please.”

Ugly / Beauty
God does not create ugly things

My hand reaches into the coat pocket. The bum smiles suddenly, expectantly, thinking I am reaching for money. This poor soul has lived with his ugliness for so long he now settles for finding pleasure in such unimportant things like money. I will give him so much more than that. When I am done, he will drop to the ground and weep tears of joy. My fingers close around the scalpel and I lead the man further into the alley. There is no light here but I have seen his face. In my mind I see the beauty beneath and I will bring it out.

I was created to finish God’s work

I push him to the ground and make the first cut. The facial hair must be removed but the dirt and grime is so deep-rooted in the skin… I have to cut it away. There is beauty underneath and I must get to it. His screams of joy threaten to break my concentration. I cannot lose sight of the beauty I see in my mind so I shove a wadded up piece of cloth in his mouth. The second cut is deeper on the other side of his face. His face was not balanced… too much flesh on the left side so it had to be evened out.

Weeping. He is already weeping for joy and I’ve only begun! Oh how he will rejoice when I am finished!

Beauty / Beauty
God’s Will be done

Joshua… that is the name I have given the bum. A transformation such as this, he deserves a name that reflects the new beauty I give him. Joshua is quiet now. He has been quiet for a few moments now, ever since I began slicing away at the ugliness of his chest. I know he is waiting, holding his breath, eager to see how much more I improve his beauty.

Slicing / Dice
Ugliness goes so far away

I’m crying even harder now. This has been my greatest work to date. With my hands I have completely transformed this man into my Joshua. The clouds have broken and the moon illuminates the beauty that lay before me. The subtle hint of white in his face and chest… the slender legs that appear far too thin but match his slender face perfectly. Joshua can now see his beauty and he stays perfectly still… his breathe must be caught in his throat at the sight.

“Yes Joshua, I have given you the greatest gift of all.” I wipe the tears from my eyes. “Enjoy this new chance. Let your beauty be seen by everyone.” I smile at him once again. “No no… don’t rush to get up and embrace me. Seeing your beauty is all the thanks I need.”

I turn and leave. Joshua deserves to have this moment alone to enjoy what he has been given. The puddle my blood dripped into earlier has now grown and turned a deep crimson color. It’s quite beautiful. Who would have thought a few drops of blood could make such a marvelous transformation. The idea is worth exploring again.

Joyous beauty
I bring you to all I can
You cannot hide from me
I see you in all things
Let me set you free.


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 3:32 am
by Ancient History
Okay, for a minute there, i thought you were going completely wishy-washy insane. But I like it. WOuldn't read an entire book like it, but I like it.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 5:59 am
by MissTeja
Well, you made me have to stop at "Slice/Dice" due to the visual imagery your words were letting my mind conjure up.
That said, Me Like.
I always said that a good actor is one you love, but a great actor is one you hate. I think that can be related to writing as well. A good writer is one you can read the book over and over again. A great writer touches you so that you can't even finish - not because you don't want to, but because of the emotion provoked.

...Okay I dunno if any of that made sense, but yeah. :conf

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 6:23 am
by Daki
Thanks for the great compliment there Teja. :)

AnHi wrote:Okay, for a minute there, i thought you were going completely wishy-washy insane.
Have I ever claimed to have a perfectly "normal" mind?