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[poetry]CASA Charity Event

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 3:09 am
by JetPlane
(Since there was problem critiquing the last one and since I'm too lazy to tell any critiquer what I would like to be critiqued on, here is another one that might possibly be less erratic.)
"CASA Charity Event"
The napkin still held the
imprint, worn smooth indentations,
of my damp water glass.
Ladies in black skirt around,
their size 8 feet driven into
impossible shoes,
lacings tighter
than the smiles on their faces.
Men with feminine hands
flicker like
hotel bulbs, dirty, sandy blond,
old woman to old woman,
their foundation,
thick as wrinkled,
patched, spotted calves.
Youth dismissed.
My hand withdraws
to highlight another name
on the list.
Already paid. Her ring finger
fondles the top of the
donation jar, a child
about to jump off
the diving board,
who caresses the grainy
plastic with her toe
before spoiling the solidity
of the water.
The calla lilies dip in
breezy brushes against
the dark hose of detached
ladies. Their splendid ankles
glitter. Their mouths form
lines of dazzling, charming
speech, empty and skittering
across drained coffee cups.