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The Long-Gone Dwarf returns with Links

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:39 am
by Tryyng
hey everyone, leastwise, everyone who remembers. got myself an elfwood account a while back. only ever managed to update it twice, and there's a hell of a lot that's not on there, but with my scanner deciding not to work half the time, what can you expect. plus, i've been in a bit of a slump as far as art for... hell, about a year now. what I do finish is some of my best yet (the defeat pic was done this summer), but the ideas have just stopped coming as often as they used to.

anyway, here's the links to my fantasy and sci-fi galleries. most of it's old, but a few are new(ish). give a gander, leave a message. and as i've said so many times, maybe i'll become a regular again one of these days.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 9:47 am
by Cypherpunk
"Obligatory Elf." That's funny. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 5:08 pm
by Kai
Nice stuff :) Didn't know you were such a talented artist, keep it up when you can. Can't yell at you for updating considering my total slacking with 204 Art but I'll try to remember to check back often. :)

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:46 pm
by Cazmonster
Ahh, artists, people I can scam into working on Steam and Sorcery! Teh Gud!!

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:54 pm
by Kai
Hey, its only a scam if you aren't doing it willingly, and who wouldn't willingly help with the greatest RPG setting in the world? ;D