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[Project] Tandem Writing, Take Two

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 10:59 am
by MooCow
Ok, so we have three so far. Anymore takers? I'm thnking like our fine Predecessors we'll take up to six people.

Kwyn, Johnny: Any thought on the type of story you'd like to do? I recall that Caz started a medieval campaign once that seemed like it might be alot of fun. A modern day Bulldrek campaign might be fun, as long as we keep the ridiculousnous toned down. I have some ideas for a futuristic sci-fi story, if there is any interest in that.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 5:44 pm
by Daki
You have one more who is interested. Just so long as I get to use all my creative juices.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:57 pm
by MooCow
Well that gives us four. Any preference on Genre to write in?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:23 pm
by Daki
I will always prefer Sci-fi but that's just me. I can write just about anything.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 9:35 pm
by Kwyndig
Sci-fi's fine with me, or whatever.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:12 am
by JohnnyRico
I should be able to pull just about any genre out of my ass when it comes to creative writing.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:17 pm
by MooCow
Ok, I posted a prologue, and first chapter. Who's next?

I presume the Leionov is a small deep space explorer, as that gives us the most room to adventure without getting caught up in the Star Trek universe. But I'll leave that up to you guys. Whether the Leinov is a Starfleet ship, or simply an independent docked at a Starfleet base I'll also leave up to you.

I renamed Starbase 99 as Starbase Psi Phi. It's tongue in cheek.

What, if anything, The Guardian has to do with the story I'll let you all decide.

I will primarily be writing from the POV of Chief Petty Officer John Thompson, Quartermaster of the Leionov.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 9:44 pm
by Kwyndig
So, who's next? Can I go?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:22 pm
by MooCow
Yes. ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:26 pm
by Daki
I'll go when I get back home. Already know exactly who my character creation is going to be and just how I'm going to introduce him. :] Oh yes... I'm going to have fun with this.

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:34 pm
by MooCow
I would suggest we establish some kind of order to go in, so we don't step on each others toes. Either that or do alot of "I'm next" yelling.

I went first, Kwyn says he's next, Daki says he'll go when he gets home.... So how about Moo, Kwyn, Daki, and Johnny? We'll just cycle through that, and if you are uber busy for a few days/week, just yell "Pass" when it comes to your turn.

As discussed in PM, characters can be from any show, book, magazine, or just made up, due to the nature of the wormhole.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:25 am
by Kwyndig
I'm done, and have no problems about the order. I just might be late if my turn comes up on Friday or Saturday.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:46 am
by Reika
If you guys don't object, I'd like to join in with your crew as well. Partly because you guys have some order going on, and partly because I like the abuse. ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 12:54 am
by MooCow
You are welcome. I said 6 people, and no one seems to have disagreed with me. That leaves us room for 1 more person. It takes a few people to run a star ship. ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 1:29 am
by Kwyndig
Reika, I never have objections to your getting involved in a project I'm working on. I value your input.

Now, as for 2nd Officer Elwood Yates, he's a human former fighter pilot from the Wing Commander universe, from somewhere between the second and third game in the series. He's a tall, very young (in his late teens-early twenties, even he doesn't know anymore), somewhat gangly fellow with fast reflexes. His hair, in proper WC fashion, is a dark black, almost blue, and he has striking green eyes. Unfortunately, he is still somewhat new to the Star Trek universe, having only recently arrived at Starbase Psi Phi in the past few months and was forcibly pushed through officer training since he has combat experience. The Federation Starship Leionov is his first assignment, and he's only been on the crew roster for about a week.

His Hellcat V fighter is in bad (currently unflyable) shape, but has been loaded into the Leionov's secondary cargo bay to await repair. Yates is a former ship-brat, somewhat rare in times of war, and could manage to repair his own fighter, if he had the parts, and the tools, he still keeps his battered set of technical specs and repair manuals for the Hellcat V in his room, and a talented enough engineer could figure out how to replicate the parts from one from those.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 2:34 am
by MooCow
Some thoughts on Ranks and Ships.

As I stated, I'm thinking the Leionov is a Deep Space Explorer. By this, I mean this is it's general design, though it's mission may be something different this time around. Looking at I'm thinking that either the Akira or Prometheus class would suit us. They're about 7 classes below the Enterprise (Galaxy class). I prefer the Prometheus based on looks myself. If anyone actually wants to dig up specs, that'd be cool. Don't know if you want to get that detailed about this. (I myself am all about making sure the setting is as logical/realistic as possible. We can start drifting away a bit later.)

For Ranks, I called my Father, and asked him his thoughts (He's Retired AF, but knows about the Navy). He suggested that for a medium size ship (which I think both Akira and Prometheus are), the Captain would be an O-4 (Lt. Commander). He'd still be called Captain on the ship though. For Deep space he said you'd want a field grade commission, and O-4 is the first level of field grade. This would fit with Kwyn's character being the 2nd Officer as an O-2.

He also suggested that I change my character's rank to a Warrant Officer rank. He suggested that you would want all members of the crew who might come into contact with new and/or non-Starfleet alligned races to be Officers. As Quartermaster of the Leionov, he might have to interact with unaligned alien races (buying supplies and such). For those who do not know, Warrant Officers are Officers whose Power and Authority are specifically limited to the areas of their Warrant (In Thompson's case, Supply). This is as opposed to Commissioned Officers whose Power and Authority are simply defined as everything under the Constitution.


Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 3:29 am
by Reika
Thanks guys, I'll have to think up a suitably weird char. ;)

As for thoughts on ranks, I'm the last person you want to look at, I know squat all about anything even remotely related to the military. As the poor suffering bastards who are trying to help me make a heavy weapons specialist for an SR game where the team is part of KE Firewatch. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 4:05 am
by MooCow
And here's my character. I've split the sections up between Known and Unknown to differentiate between what the other characters could potentially know, and what the writers may need to know.


Chief Warrant Officer John Thompson was the chief supply officer aboard the EAS Juniper, a long range military transport ship from the Babylon 5 universe (Season 2). The Juniper was en-route to Babylon 5 when it encountered the Wormhole. The Juniper barely survived the passage through, and held together just long enough for Psi Phi to transport her crew off.

That was 5 years ago. Thompson immediatly enlisted in Starfleet, and was given the rank of Chief Petty Officer. When the Leionov came up for recrewing, he was selected as Quartermaster/Chief Supply Officer. For reasons not yet identified, but pertaining to the Leionov's mission, Thompson was promoted to the rank of Chief Warrant Officer (W-2).

The contents of the Bio-Hazard box are "Wilbur and Family". Wilbur and Family are Betazoid Sewer Rats. These creatures are very intelligent for animals, a 3 possibly a 4 in D&D terms. These creatures are carnivourous, though Thompson has them well trained. This listen to him over any other person, and can be incredibly protective of him. In the wild, they hunt by stunning/killing their prey with a telepathic bolt. Their telepathy is not typically powerful enough to kill a human out right, though they can cause extreme discomfort/pain. They work with Thompson in the Store room, and can retrieve items from the shelves. The largest of them, Wilbur, weighs about 100 pounds.

Thompson appears to be in his 50's. He's old and cantankerous, but very capable. For personality, think Kup from Transformers. He's very fit for his age, standing about 6ft and has a large build. A layer of fat over a layer of dense muscle, with indicates a long life of hard work. He has a full head of grey hair, though he keeps it cut short in a military fashion.


Thompson's real name is Jonathan Baker. He's 28 year old graduate of the Ranger Academy on Minbar. He was on the Juniper, and was working in the Supply (Reason Unknown). The Real Thompson died of his injuries from the explosion.

Baker signed up with Starfleet, and upon learning of his training they sent him to Betazed to learn a technique known as "Mind Partitioning". Mind Partitioning allows one to adopt a persona so complete that it is virtually impossible to break through to the true persona without Telepathic means (Conventional torture would likely kill the person first). Even then a Telepath has to search deep in the psyche to find the true personality.

Upon completion of his training, he was given extreme plastic surgery to give him the impression of old age. The signs of this could be seen in a medical exam, if the doctor were looking for it. He then replaced John Thompson who had been "recovering" from his injuries prior to that point.

The most notable thing about Thompson is that he is a Mind Blind. In terms of telepathic abilities, his mind does not exist. Telepaths who try to read him, will find nothing but a void. This can be disturbing and disorienting to telepaths, though not harmful. He is immune to things that effect the mind directly, though can still be effected by things like Telekinesis.

He has a security rating at least equal to an O-6, if not higher. His purpose aboard the Juniper is not known.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 4:11 am
by Ancient History
I like 'im, Moo.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 4:51 am
by Daki
Locke D'ris. He's from a race of warriors and likes to get good and fucked up on strong drugs. He's got a spider that likes to toy with everything electronic. Armed with a cache of weapons, a piss poor attitude, short temper and his own personal fighter ship... he just got shoved into a new universe where he'll be running out of fuel soon. And gods forbid he runs out of drugs and can't relax anymore.

Obviously he won't be able to use his ship for much longer but he won't abandon his Spider or War Mount since they are really his friends. He'll talk to them.

Yes, Locke is a wee bit crazy. He's also a very large being. 6'8", 300 pounds. Looks like he could snap a person in half. He isn't stupid or slow and has an above average intelligence but he tends to rely more on gut reactions in combat or anything that seems like a threat. He comes from a Star Wars like universe so assume his transport is shielded but without any weaponry (his War Mount is armed with two blaster cannons and a rack of Proton Torpedos and one rack of concussion missles).

And that should be all the base info needed. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 4:55 am
by MooCow
Rico mentioned it, so I realized a potential error I made. It was not my intention to place Psi Phi anywhere near DS9. If people would prefer the Jem'Hadair Raider reference to be something else, it's fine by me. I picked a starfleet enemy at random.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 2:58 pm
by Gunny
Can I join in?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 4:07 pm
by MooCow
Sure. Based on my conversations with the rest of the "crew" on where they see their characters going this is the current break down of crew positions (Please correct me if I've misinterpreted what you've told me).

Captain - ?
1st Officer - ?
2nd Officer/Science Officer - Elwood Yates (Kwyndig)
Chief Engineer - Unnamed (Reika)
Medical Officer - Unnamed (Rico)
Security Officer - Locke D'ris (Daki)
Tactical Officer - ?
Operations Officer - ?
Helmsman - ?
Supply Officer - John Thompson (Moo)

So choose a position for your primary character, or make up some other reason you'd be on the ship.

Gunny makes 6, and I think that's enough people. Unless someone objects, I'd say we start crafting the open slots as NPC type characters once Gunny has an idea what she wants to do.

(BTW, I want to appologize if anyone thinks I'm trying to act like I'm in charge of this little project. I'm just trying to keep it organized so we can produce something that's nice to read.)

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 4:39 pm
by Gunny

Okay, lemme scribble out my character a bit and I'll get back to you.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 4:54 pm
by MooCow
Look at me, I'm bored at work. (Actually, I have work to do, but I've found my productivity actually increases if I keeping switching back and forth between that and this. Keeps me from getting bored with the project.)

So internet searching turned up a few different websites with Technical Specifications on Canon Star Trek ships. I previously said I thought the Akira or Promethus ships looked good for our ship. I'm going to switch positions on that. Akira is apparently a heavy cruiser, designed more for war then anything else. Same with the Prometheus, which is labeled a "Multi-vector assasult" craft. What looks good to me now is an Intrepid class starship. Intrepid is listed as an Explorer class starship, and specs for it can be found here and here. There seems to be a bit of discrepency between the two sites, but who really cares?

(If you're wondering why I'm going through this much effort, there are two reasons. First I'm bored at work. Second, I'm always railing on Star Trek for lack of internal consistency. If I'm going to write some fan-fiction, I'd like to make sure it's as internally consistent as possible.)

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 5:40 pm
by JohnnyRico
Thomas “Striker” Callahan


Striker was the second to the Chief Engineer of the illustrious Battlestar Galactica. On his way back from a training seminar on Caprica, and was riding second seat on a Colonial Raptor, the pilot diverted to respond to a Ship In Distress beacon. They engaged their FTL drive, but when they arrived, they found the beacon disappearing into a gravitational vortex and the ship it came from was nowhere to be found. They swept in to try and retrieve the beacon in an attempt to figure out what happened to the ship, but instead were caught in the vortex themselves. The rough trip ended for Striker as he blacked out upon striking his head on a console.

He awoke in a strange world, the Raptor out of control, without power, and with a dead pilot at the controls, his neck snapped in during the trip through the wormhole. A Starfleet runabout was able to tractor the Raptor to Station Psi Phi, and by the time The Raptor needed to be set down, he had enough thruster control operational to allow him to, roughly, land the craft under it’s own power.

Striker joined the Starfeet Engineers Corps, bringing his troubleshooting experience, training, and considerable skill to their service, on the condition that he be able to keep the Raptor and purchase parts for it from the Fleet’s Supply Division so that he could repair and refit the Raptor using their technology, and bring it into service in its original role of a forward scout. He’s almost finished converting the main engines to the local technology, and has devised a way to power the FTL drive using the same engines. The parts he needs should be in the Supply room on board the Leionov.


Starfleet Command has interviewed Striker Callahan at length, and ordered him to reproduce the Cylon hacking techniques that aided them in the Cylon War, almost 40 years ago, and adapt it to the systems of the Dominion, and, more importantly on Starfeet’s List of Enemies, The Borg. Callahan has special clearance and encryptions to send coded software packages and updates directly to Starfleet Command, without notifying his commanding officers. His orders on this matter are classified as Black orders, going beyond even the Top Secret classification. He is not to divulge the secrets of his orders even on pain of death. So far he’s had only marginal success.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 5:43 pm
by Gunny
Excellent!! I'll take Medical Officer then. :) That really helps with my character info.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 5:59 pm
by MooCow
Well hey, I lied. :D

Captain - ?
1st Officer - ?
2nd Officer/Science Officer - Elwood Yates (Kwyndig)
Chief Engineer - Thomas “Striker” Callahan (Rico)
Medical Officer - Unnamed (Gunny)
Security Officer - Locke D'ris (Daki)
Tactical Officer - ?
Operations Officer - ?
Helmsman - ?
Supply Officer - John Thompson (Moo)
His orders on this matter are classified as Black orders, going beyond even the Top Secret classification. Hi is not to divulge the secrets of his orders even on pain of death. So far he’s had only marginal success.
Well this is gonna get interesting. This ship has secret Intel guys just coming out of the woodworks. I love it!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 6:50 pm
by Kai
Wow, you guys are far more organized over here :) I think I'll go back to my side of the fence and watch :7

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 7:20 pm
by Daki
*Flings snowballs at the people on the OTHER side*

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 7:25 pm
by Gunny
S'rii, daughter of Ghia

Species: Trianii (sapient felines)
Species Info: Humanoid, furred, with three fingers and a thumb on each hand, a prehensile tail, and a cat-like head, with retractable short claws (30mm extended on average), and greatly varied fur color and patterns. A Trianii adult averages at 2.0 meters tall.
The Trianii are another one of the several sapient feline alien species to be found in the Star Wars universe. Unlike these other feline aliens, they are unique in having prehensile tails, and they are particularly agile, and natural acrobats. Their bodies are covered in sleek fur, in a wide range of colors in patterns. While the Trianii have retractable claws, Trianii prefer to depend on other means of defense or attack as their claws take long periods of time to grow back when broken off. The females of the species are generally stronger, faster and more dextrous than the males, and thus the society is matriarchal in structure. Trianii encountered outside of their territory are likely to be outcasts or adventurers that are an exception to the norm of their society. That said, the typical Trianii is very religious (others might call them "superstitious") and will tend to expect females to be of higher station and importance than males.
Sample image of species: Here

Sex: Female
Age: 26 standard years
Height: 2.1 meters
Weight: 65 kilos
Fur color & Pattern: pale yellow unmarked fur; white fur from the chin to past the belly, brownish spots mottle her belly (about 23mm in diameter); black fur ear tips
Eye color: pale blue-green
Notes: Jedi (healer/mystic) - has a pale purple lightsaber (organic simulated construction), but has rarely had the need to use it in combat situations. Not highly aggressive, but far from passive.

Character Info: S'rii (Shhree) was born on her homeworld of Trian, but was moved off world to the Pypin system. Not too long after that, a convoy of Jedi missionaries negotiated for her removal. Eventually the Jedi succeeded and S'rii was taken into the Jedi fold. The loss of her littermates and mother was devistating on S'rii and she buried herself in her studies and training, all the while a resentment for the Jedi was seeded into her heart.

S'rii eventually became a Jedi in her own right and struck out on her own. She yearned to be free of the sabbatical type life she was a part of. Shunning the use of the lightsaber and the Jedi robes (as they reminded her of the grief she never came to terms with), she used her talents as a healer and mystic for hire. She has learned many different means of healing, some of which her Jedi compatriots would certianly frown upon. To which she would always say to herself, "What good is it to decide by our limited Jedi understand what is good healing and what is bad healing when there are so many individuals in the galaxy? What may not be good for one Rodian, may be exactly what another one needs."

The longer she stayed out of contact of her fellow Jedi, the further she strayed from the code. S'rii is not your typical Jedi by any means. She is not afraid to bend or even break Jedi code if she believes her actions are good.


Any questions or clarification, please ask.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 7:30 pm
by Daki
Oh dear christ... yeah, stick a Trianii Jedi female on a ship with a Mandal Krei'ger. Those with suicide pills are advised to take them now. :)

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 7:35 pm
by Gunny
Don't scare people away!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 8:32 pm
by Daki
Oh, one more thing I forgot to add about Locke. He really, for the life of him, can't understand why the Federation forces don't wear armor. It really makes no sense to him. He continues to wear his own set of armor (think Boba Fett) but only wears the helmet if he's going to be flying his War Mount.

And one final thought to help flesh him out... he has read up on the history of battles in this galaxy and busted up laughing when he read about all the problems the Federation had with the Borg. Even if the Borg could adapt to jacked plasma blasters, he still has his war blade and a very large collection of sharp things to use.

That is probably what led to him being named security officer on an exploration vessel. His thoughts on the borg would be something like this...

"Sooo, these Borg things are just a mix of droid and humans. They don't carry blasters but have some sharp blades attached to their bodies... maybe. Now, you try shooting these things and they have personal shields that absorb the shots. Okay, I follow that part too. What I DON'T follow is why you people haven't started giving every 'soldier', and I use that term loosely, a long blade they can use to hack them to bits. I mean, CHRIST, look at how slow these things move. I've seen pregnant hutts move with better reactions." *Throws back head and laughs* "Maybe you should spend less time building rounded ships and more time THINKING about how you fight. A group of F'N JAWAS could do better in a fight than you!"

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 8:38 pm
by Gunny
Daki wrote:He continues to wear his own set of armor (think Boba Fett)
Boba? Not Jango?

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:16 pm
by Daki
Boba, Jango... take your pick really. Same style.

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 9:38 pm
by Gunny
Same style, true, but Jango has more armor and his matches.

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 4:40 am
by JohnnyRico
So.... Who's next?

So far the order has gone:

Who gets to add their name to the list next?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 5:05 am
by Gunny
Reika is next and I'm last.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 1:37 am
by Reika
Sorry about the delay folks, I had to hash out char details. So say hello to Lonnie Silvestri, ship's Tactical Officer and resident Battle Psi.


A tall, lean female of the human persuasion, Lonnie is sleekly muscular without being grotesque, those who have had the misfortune of any of her HTH training knows that she doesn't have any excess fat on her body. Much to their regret. Her hair and eyes are the color of pure amethyst with flecks of gold, silver and copper swirled in the irises and her skin has a golden/silver shimmery appearance. The only time she wears her StarFleet uniform is when the captain manages to bully her into it, otherwise she tends to wear her very crisp military jumpsuits from her previous command.

What is known

Lonnie comes from a universe where there is a significant number of people with strong psionic abilities that are also boosted by specialy made generators called gesalts. Talents (which the espers are called) range from weak abilities such as just being able to find one specific type of item, to extremely powerful individuals who (with the aid of the gestalt) are able to telepathically speak to others across the galaxy, lift great masses with TK and are able to teleport themselves, others and materials vast distances. The most powerful are ranked T1 and their formal title is Prime. Almost all Talents work for the FT&T (a company run by and for Talents to protect themselves from non-Talents and to regulate Talents to protect non-Talents from the powers of the Talented), or if not directly for FT&T, at least let FT&T to arrange contracts on their behalf.

Most Talents tend to work in industry, government, art, medical, etc. Few go for the military due to the press of so many minds upon their mental shields. But a rare few did join when an alient threat arose and the Talented could provide aid in various ways. Lonnie was one of those few much to her parents' dismay since she qualified as a T1 and would have been groomed for a Tower (the name for a base for Talented who worked directly for the FT&T) which would have brought a great deal of prestige to the family name. However many of Lonnie's abilities seemed geared for war, and her personality was definately that of a warrior born. (For better information, read the Tower and Hive series by Anne McCaffrey)

She went through her military training with ease, and it didn't take long for her to get her own ship (even though it was rather modest). That was when everything went wrong. Her ship ended up in a running battle with an unknown hostile, and suffered heavily despite her knowledge, skill and powers. Both the hostile and her ship fell through a gravity well and she lost consciousness.

Due to her abilities, Lonnie was able to protect herself from the worst of the effects, but was unable to do anything for her ship. Fortunately she was found by a StarFleet vessel that had come to investigate the rather interesting explosion that had occured near the wormhole. She was put through the Academy and again passed with flying colors, even if she thought the Academy and StarFleet, were extremely sloppy. She flat out refuses to take any type of command despite her leadership qualities and it took a great deal of persuasion and out and out bribery for her to accept the position as Tactical Officer of Leionov.

She is currently at a loss as to what to do with her life and being Tactical Officer is simply something to do until she does figure it out.

Personality: She is somewhat withdrawn, but has made an effort to get to know her shipmates who have found that under the cool exterior is a woman is smart, caring, and full of a wicked sense of humor.

What isn't known

Lonnie is severely downplayed just how powerful her abilities are, simply because of the reactions of the few betazoids she's encountered. Her main powers are as follows: telepathy (with all types of life, and is able to "communicate" with electronics and machines), TK limited to enhancing her physical abilities and to lifting weights up to 100 lbs, she can teleport herself only short distances, but her most invaluable power to her as a warrior is a precognition that acts as a battle sense. If she can get access to a properly tuned gesalt, or is able to find compatible Talents, she will be able to boost her powers a great deal.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:37 pm
by MooCow
Very nice Gunny. I'll post next in a bit.

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:55 pm
by Gunny
I'm just waiting to hear the Brady Bunch theme music when the crew finally "gets together".

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:59 pm
by MooCow
I'm just waiting to hear the Brady Bunch theme music when the crew finally "gets together".
Well we may or may not ever all be in the same place at once. Well, I suppose our mysterious Captain may call a senior officers meeting once he finally opens up our "sealed mission documents".

But I've done my part to bring two of the characters into the same place. I just hope I got the characterization right on Striker. (If you feel it's off Rico, let me know).

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:17 pm
by Daki
Hopefully Locke won't be dusted when he gets the call for the meeting. :]

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 7:24 pm
by Gunny
I can fix that. :evil

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:52 am
by JohnnyRico
Moo: No complaints here. Thompson can now claim that he was the first person in Starfleet to give Striker a headache without raising his temper. Congrats!

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 10:11 pm
by Kwyndig
Is it okay if I don't get my part done until tomorrow or Monday? I need to think on it a little bit.

Also, does anybody mind if I keep referring to the Captain without any details? I don't mind if anybody else does something with the Mysterious Captain of Leionov, even to go so far as to describe them, I just didn't feel like it was my place to set such an important character.

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 10:14 pm
by MooCow
No problem. The Captain, The First Officer, and The Helmsman can simply remain unnamed until someone needs them to be something specific for Plot reasons. Though I would note that it might be wise to have them be fullbred Starfleet, so at least /someone/ on this ship is actually from this universe. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 10:36 pm
by MooCow
Just some thoughts on Ranks and Commands, mostly for those who aren’t familiar with the military.

Captain – Lt. Commander ?
1st Officer – Lieutenant ?
2nd Officer/Science Officer – Lt. JG Elwood Yates (Kwyndig)
Chief Engineer – Lt. JG Thomas “Striker” Callahan (Rico)
Chief Medical Officer – Lt. JG S'rii (Gunny)
Chief Security Officer – Ensign Locke D'ris (Daki)
Chief Tactical Officer – Lt. JG Lonnie Silvestri (Reika)
Operations/Supply Officer - Chief Warrant Officer (W-2) John Thompson (Moo)
Helmsman – Ensign ?

Ok, I’ve taken the liberty of assigning what I feel are logical ranks to characters, based on conversations with my Father (Retired USAF Officer, son of a Naval Officer). Because of the size of the ship, the Captain is not in fact a Captain (Though he is still refered to as Captain X when on his ship). Regardless of whether a character uses the rank, Starfleet would most likely have assigned them one. Likewise, they would probably have had to go through some form of Starfleet Officer Training School unless you can think of a really good reason why not (In our time, that’s an 8 week course).

As you can see, the primary characters are of equal rank, with the exception of D’ris and Thompson. My research indicates that the Security Chief often reports to the Chief Tactical Officer, and this seems to make sense to me given the circumstances. Thompson is a Warrant Officer, because I just don’t see him as a Commissioned Officer.

Warrant vs Commissioned: For those unaware, there is a difference between Warrant Officer and Commissioned Officer. The difference being one of Power and Authority. A Commissioned Officer has the full Power of the Constitution and the Authority to apply it as needed within the scope of his duties. A Warrant Officer has only those Powers of the Constitution specifically granted by his Warrant and the Authority to apply it only within a specified sphere of influence (Engineering, Security, Supply, etc).

Command vs Rank: An Officer has a Rank that gives him Executive Power to carry out his duties. In addition, an Officer may have a Command (Captain, Base Commander, etc) that grants him Legislative and Judicial Power to carry out his duties. Example: Any Officer can issue orders that pertain to the enforcment of those rules/laws that apply to his job, such as “Shoot that man”. However, a Base Commander could also /write/ laws that pertain to his base, and deal with the administration of it. Other Officers would then have the Power to enforce those laws.

I don’t know if any of this will be relevent to what we’re doing, but I actually find it rather fascinating. This whole thing gave me an excuse to sit and talk to my Father on the nature of Military Law. Interesting topic.

Edit: Of course, if any disagrees with me here, feel free to say so.

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 11:08 pm
by Kwyndig
Done, and a day early, I had an idea.

I've got no problems with that Moo.

Anyway, my posting assumes, for the sake of sanity, that the last few posts happen either simultaneously, or in a sort of staggered order which is not neccesarily the order of their posting. In other words, Moo's second post ends at the end of Reika's first, Gunny's post occurs whenever it makes sense for her, obviously Rico's occurs before Moo's, and Daki's occured several months ago. Does that make sense, or have I just gone insane?