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Svein Bearslayer(Historic fiction)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:33 am
by Ghotty
The gasps went up and down the streets of the small town svein walked through. He was anthema here, outlawed by Thing law, and forbidden to live. No one came out of their houses or their way to do anything about it.

The ships were in, longships of vikings, pirates and looter.s They had returned to trade their valubles and ill-gotten gains for provisions, women and weapons. Som men were there to see their families.

Svein's long legs took him swiftly to a clearing near the qauy, a mound of dirt with bays for ships, and he hefted the axe from his shoulder and thudded it's butt against the dirt.

"I am here to take my place as a Viking! I am Svein Bearslayer, and my axe is not to be doubted. I am a man!"

svein was a tall man, young and lean of body. His hair was a dirty blonde, tending towards a ruddy nature. The hair was twisted into locks, and fell to his shoulders, where bearskin cloak, complete with the head of a fearsome beast of large proportions. His clothi gn was plain and worn, and his ornamentation iron and wood.

A few vikings herd his cry, and laughed.

"Pup you could never be oen such as us. Ye woudl be cut down like the wheat of Frankland!"

Svein glowered, and swung his axe, a large double handed beast of a weapon. His senewy arms worked the axe in a graceful and powerful series of arcs, and he barked back.

"I am he who shall reap the skulls like barley for my beer!"

One pirate, a burly blonde maned and bearded warriro with sword and shield stepped forward, and spit.

"I don't think you could best one such as I, lad!"

Svein laughed, and gestured for the man to come with one hand. tHe pirate snarled, and drawing his sword, he charged at svein, shield before him.

A step back and both hands on his axe, Svein split the man's shield, and hewed into his arm with a powerful blow, then stepped quickly forward and slammed a knee into the man's midsection, followed by a headbutt to his nose.

The pirate stumbled back with a bloodied nose, his left hand hanging limply at his side, gasping for air.

His collegues drew axe and sword, and charged Svein. The bearslayer dropped to a low crouch and swung his axe along the ground, removing one man's knee as he twisted under the other, rising up to shoulder vault the man into the air. When he came down, Svein stomped a heavy boot to his throat, and turned to face the first pirate, who howled, and flung himself at Svein. His sword came down upon Svein's axe-haft, and Svein staggered back, pushing the man's sword away, before slamming the butt of his axe against the man's left knee.

When he buckled, Svein stepped to his side and away, swinging his axe in a gleaming axe. Blood fountained, and the man's head and body landed seperately.

Sveing wiped the blood of his axe against the cloaks of the men he'd slain, and thudded the axebutt to the ground.

"Who will have me on their Ship?"

The shouts of the captains drowned out the shocked screams of the townspeople.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:12 pm
by Ancient History
Not bad. Ye might want to go over it again, be more or less descriptive.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:44 pm
by Ghotty
I plan as much. Svein's an idea i've been kicking around for about 3 months, i just never right anything down. I figure starting somewhere is a good idea.