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Michael Jackson Tribute Poem

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:45 am
by Crazy Elf
It occurs to me that this isn't being used very much, and I write something new all the damn time. Here we go:

Oh Michael Jackson
You were really talented
You could sing
You could dance
You could do both of them just as well
To the police

Oh Michael Jackson
It must have been hard to be you
With your singing and dancing talent
Your millions of dollars
Own personal fun park
Your pet monkey
And extensive criminal record

Oh Michael Jackson
You were a lonely man
You had no company
Except for Bubbles
And Lisa-Marie Presley
And all those personal staff
And hordes of small children
And sometimes the police

Oh Michael Jackson
No one really understood you
Except for multiple biographers
And medical professionals
And psychologists
And media commentators
And sometimes the police

Oh Michael Jackson
I can only imagine how hard it would be
To have a movie made about you
And computer games
And designer clothing
And various medical procedures
And court cases

Oh Michael Jackson
People kept saying you looked healthy
With your pasty white skin
And anorexic build
And that you were so young
At fifty years of age
Why did you have to die?
And why weren't you in jail?

Oh Michael Jackson
You aren't nearly as a good a dancer
Now that you're dead
Contrary to what you had us believe
And you are actually a lot stranger now
Than you were when you were alive
Which is something of an achievement
And the police have less to do

Oh Michael Jackson
Your family looked so upset
And La Toya looked
Just like you
And your fans looked
Crazier than you ever did
And the global media looked
Like hypocrites
And the police looked
For evidence

Oh Michael Jackson
If only you were as good at life
As I was at Moonwalker
You'd have got a happy ending
And turned into a giant robot
When I remember you
That's what I'll remember most
You with a flying hat attack
Magical kicks
And turning into a giant robot

And the paedophilia

Re: Michael Jackson Tribute Poem

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:24 pm
by Tiny Deev
I love it!

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:19 pm
by JohnnyRico
Bravo, sir. Bravo.