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Lookie at my toys!

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:33 pm
by Bonefish
Couple of my Warmachine models that I felt like sharing. Critique?

This is Dirty Meg. She commands war-jacks and repairs them. And she's a totally hot version of Liberty Girl.

Bloody Bradigan. He's face-beater-rific. He's basically a drunken pirate pugilist who beats things up.

I have a very "comic book" way of painting flesh. I like for my fleshy models to really have a stand-out appearance, and I think this makes bradigan look really awesome, compared to the way he's painted in the book. My tattoo skills SUCK.

Doc. He's a cook for my pirates, as well as their surgeon, because surgery and cookin' amount to the same thing: hack up meat. I'm very happy with this model. I'm not sure if adding blood spatter to his apron will take it over the top or not.

My Mangler. I call him Mini-Prime now, cuz he's a BEAST. I wanna do another one in a blue and red pattern with flames, so I can have Optimus prime.

If any one wants, I'll post some more up soon.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:50 pm
by Grifter
Those are pretty good, mate. Seem to have a nice appropriate "grungy" feel to them. Do you use enamels or acrylics? And do they have a black or white undercoat?

I really should pick up painting again.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:04 pm
by Kitt
Wow, that's really impressive. What are their actual sizes?
The only thing that kind of threw me off was Bradigan. He seems a little...purple? Could just be me.

I'm going to have to say that Mini-Prime is my favorite. The blending of the orange/yellow areas is seriously intense. As far as Doc goes, I think blood on the apron might be too much, simply because there's already a log going on there. Maybe a little blood on the knife, with a drop on the base directly below? Just a thought.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:35 pm
by Bonefish
I use Acrylics, mainly GW/Citadel paints, though I'm shifting to P^3(Privateer Press Paints) because I hate GW. I also use a black undercoat, primarly because I find it easier to deal with(if you miss a recess, it's black, and can be called shadow).

The models are on 30mm bases(small stuff like Bradigan), 40mm bases(Renegades, Talon, etc), and 50mm(Mangler aka Mini-prime). That can give you a rough estimate of their size.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:39 pm
by Bonefish

Contrast to bradigan.

Master holt, unfinished.

Striking scorpian nomad.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:57 pm
by DV8
Grifter wrote:I really should pick up painting again.
You have a real talent for it, for sure.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:25 pm
by Grifter
Bonefish wrote:......mainly GW/Citadel paints, though I'm shifting to P^3(Privateer Press Paints) because I hate GW.
Don't have too many problems with Citadel, though I have to agree with you when it comes to their metallic range.
I also use a black undercoat, primarly because I find it easier to deal with(if you miss a recess, it's black, and can be called shadow).
I usually only coat in black when I'm doing a model with a lot of metallic surfaces. And then I pick out the parts that need a bright finish with white. I just find that undercoating with white gives a crisper, brighter endresult, which I like.
Deev wrote:You have a real talent for it, for sure.
Thanks. Appreciate the compliment. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:57 am
by Bonefish
Grifter wrote:
Bonefish wrote:......mainly GW/Citadel paints, though I'm shifting to P^3(Privateer Press Paints) because I hate GW.
Don't have too many problems with Citadel, though I have to agree with you when it comes to their metallic range.
I liek their paints, they have an awesome line of colors. But their buisness practices are complete and utter shite, and I refuse to give them anymore of my money. I had a 2000pt Warhammer army that became invalidfated in the new edition. PP on the other hand, they have awesoem buisness practices, imho.
I also use a black undercoat, primarly because I find it easier to deal with(if you miss a recess, it's black, and can be called shadow).
I usually only coat in black when I'm doing a model with a lot of metallic surfaces. And then I pick out the parts that need a bright finish with white. I just find that undercoating with white gives a crisper, brighter endresult, which I like.[/quote]

That's cool. I'm generally going for a darker, gloomier look with my models. So I like black undercoat.
Deev wrote:You have a real talent for it, for sure.
Thanks. Appreciate the compliment. :)
Can I* find some of your work somewhere?

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:40 pm
by Grifter
Bonefish wrote:But their buisness practices are complete and utter shite, and I refuse to give them anymore of my money. I had a 2000pt Warhammer army that became invalidfated in the new edition.
No shit. They tend to bring out new rulesets for their games every two years, which totally fuck up the old ones. That's why I never got into Warhammer or 40K. I had fun playing Adeptus Titanicus and that's it.
Can I* find some of your work somewhere?
Not really. I never took any pictures and they all got tossed out when I moved a couple of years back. If I ever pick it up again, I'll make sure to take some pics though.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:11 pm
by 3278
It took me a few posts to realize these weren't professionally-cast figures, and that in fact the artistry being displayed was the painting thereof. That should be a remarkable compliment, Bone. That's some incredible work.

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:38 pm
by DV8
Grifter wrote:
Bonefish wrote:But their buisness practices are complete and utter shite, and I refuse to give them anymore of my money. I had a 2000pt Warhammer army that became invalidfated in the new edition.
No shit. They tend to bring out new rulesets for their games every two years, which totally fuck up the old ones. That's why I never got into Warhammer or 40K. I had fun playing Adeptus Titanicus and that's it.
Man, those were pretty good times. :)

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:26 pm
by Kai
*still has half a starter box of Menoth to paint, and a buncha Cygnar longgunners* I'll get around to it someday...honest....

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:09 am
by Bonefish
You play?! Awesome.

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:30 pm
by Kai
Haven't in....a long long time. The local gaming store folded, and the other one is full of wargamers that take it as a personal affront if you don't have the stats memorized for their units as well as yours. And now they did the stat relaunch thing, so I'm all confused. But the painted one's look nice on the shelf :7